Taking Another Look at the Michelson-Morley Experiment.
Amateur science philosopher claims he has discovered another dimension of the universe that science has been ignoring for over 100 years.
Donald Louis Hamilton, © 2013 All Rights Reserved
After 125 years of confusion and rejection of the Michelson-Morley experiment I felt it was time re-evalue the results of this famous experiment and see if there was a fundamental truth to its "null" results after all. In doing so I have discovered another dimension of the Universe that up to now has been overlooked. A dimension where nothing moves relative to absolute space, a dimension where the "inertial mass" of matter is created. By accepting its "null" results at face value along with the ideas and research of; Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Using the ideas of these mental giants along with my own I discovered a fundamental dimension of the universe where nothing moves, where the "inertial mass" of matter is created.
The hypothesis of this paper is that the Michelson, Morley experiment was actually a success in that it proved that matter moves relative to other matter BUT it does not move relative to absolute space. The "null" results of the experiment had proved that the earth (and everything else) is stationary relative to absolute space. There was no aether wind because there was no motion involved but there may still be a stationary aether. They didn't understand that all matter has two distinct fundamental types of energy. "Motion/energy" and "Mass/energy".
They were deeply disappointed and thought their experiment was a failure and rejected their findings. They didn't know about the concept of "absolute space". It is a very special place in the order of things, it is where the "laws of nature" exist and the "mass" of matter is created. In this dimension when enough force is exerted on an object "Mass/energy" is created (changes) but no motion relative to absolute space is involved.
The "inertial mass" (mass/energy) of a body of matter depends on its energy level relative to absolute space - its "space energy level".
Without other matter to compare with or references there is nothing that can indicate that the Earth is moving relative to absolute space. There is no way to detect motion between a body and absolute space itself no matter how big or small it is. When considering a body relative to absolute space no other bodies are considered. The body must be considered alone and completely motionless relative to absolute space. This is why the speed of light in a vacuum is always the same.
When a body emits a ray of light (photons) the body is always considered motionless relative to absolute space. The photons will always travel away from the emitting body and be reflected back to the body at the same speed as Michelson and Morley found out. They could detect no aether wind or light interference on their apparatus no matter what direction it was turned.
The "null" results of the Michelson/Morley experiment was a total success. The mass/energy of a body of matter, relative to absolute space, is manifested as the body's relativistic inertial mass (a scalar quantity). When a force is exerted on a body it accelerates relative to other bodies (Newton's F=MA) and its mass/energy (Einstein's E=MC2) changes relative to absolute space. Their experiment indicated that matter is motionless relative to absolute space but not to other bodies. There was no need for the Fitzgerald/Lorentz contractions.
Although bodies do not move relative to absolute space itself, their mass/energy level (relativistic inertial mass) does change when enough force is exerted on a body to rise the body's energy to a higher level relative to absolute space. A tremendous amount of force (Newton's F=MA equation) is required to rise the body's inertial mass by a tiny amount as indicated by Einstein's E=MC2.
Absolute Space/Laws of Nature are synomonous and are the most fundamental dimension of the universe. They brought the universe into existence. They rule over and govern everything in the universe. Nothing moves relative to this most fundamental dimension as the Michelson-Morley experiment discovered.
The Constancy of the Speed of Light. - When a particle emits a photon, the particle must be considered alone in space having no direction or motion - no other body is considered. In space the photon will always speed away from the particle at the speed of light. Only the emitting body and space itself are considered. It makes no difference how fast the emitting particle is traveling relative to other particles (vector velocity) - it is motionless ( 0 zero speed) relative to absolute space itself. (As indicated by the results of the Michelson/Morley experiments). Regardless of what direction (relative to other bodies) the photon is emitted the photon will always travel away from the emitting body at the speed of light. The photon by itself is pure energy, it has no mass at all. Einstein's E=MC2 represents the relationship of the force (F=MA) required to change matter's relativistic mass/energy, relative to absolute space.
There are no perfect clocks! Time doesn't change, only the time keeping of the atomic clocks change when the "relativistic mass/energy" of the clocks' change. Its mass/energy level rises as its energy level relative to absolute space rises. The atoms' relativistic mass/energy in the atomic clocks controls the frequency of the atom. If the relativistic mass/energy of an atom changes its frequency will change. Therefore the frequency of its atoms will also change causing the atomic clock's time keeping to change. This was discovered by the GPS time keepers. They discovered that the atomic clocks in the GPS satellite's atomic clock ran at a slightly different rate then the ground clocks. The GPS satellite's atomic clocks' slight change in the "mass" of its clock's frequency causes it to get out of synchronization with the atomic clocks on the ground. Therefore the clocks must be constantly adjusted to keep the government's GPS system synchronized. When the atoms rest mass of the clocks' inertial mass/energy changes their timing changes!
Time Dilation. - Time does not slow down as a rocket accelerates, only the atomic clocks in the rocket change as their relativistic mass changes. This slight change in the relativistic mass of accelerating rocket's atomic clock cause the clock's atoms' mass (relativistic mass/energy)to change the atomic clocks' time keeping function slightly. It is the frequency of the atoms, relative to absolute space that determine the relativistic mass/energy level of the atoms. (There is no need for a "Higgs Boson").
Although matter moves about the universe relative to other matter, it does not move relative to absolute space. Absolute Space is a single entity from one end of the universe to the other. A body cannot pass from one part of space to another - absolute space itself is all one. Move relative to what?? Absolute Space without considering its energy or matter is far from empty however, it is absolutely packed with all the laws of nature. Every square centimeter of space within the Universe is filled with all the laws in existence, physics, chemistry and biology.
Donald L. Hamilton, author of the book - "The Mind of Mankind" - Human Imagination the source of Mankind's tremendous power.
The Two Energies of Matter
Dark Matter - Mystery solved?
Inertial Mass - The Space Energy Level of Matter
Searching For Reality With Imagination.

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