The "Laws of Nature" - not God - control everything in the universe. Everything that happens or exists is a consequence of these "Laws" - not of God's direct intervention. God is not a king who sits up on some faraway throne directing the actions of the universe. My concept of "God" is: an infinite eternal power who created the "Laws of Nature" and thereby brought the universe into existence.
The Laws of Nature control everything in the universe BUT it is God who has domain over the "Laws". They are the arms that carry out God's wishes BUT no one knows what God's wishes exactly are. We can only speculate on what they are.
Is there an intelligent creative power behind the creation of the "Laws"?
These questions are beyond the scope of science and can only be discussed in the realm of philosophy and metaphysics (human imagination).
It was God who created the "Laws of Nature", and as a result of this action - the universe, with all its laws, came into existence. There would be no universe , as we know it, without the existence of the Laws of Nature. They exist because a supreme creative power designed them, brought them into existence and gave them domain over the entire universe rather then they just spontaneously came into existence.
The "Laws of Nature" brought the Universe into existence and gave it - its personality. (For example: It would have a much different personality if the law of inertia or gravity or some other law did not exist or if it was different). The "Laws" are the phenomena that create, guide and control everything in the universe. Inertia, gravity, chemistry, biology, electromagnetic emission, quantum mechanics, etc. are a few of these "Laws". They are invariant, unbreakable and all powerful - they give the universe its unique personality.
Science has discovered and explained some of these "Laws", some correctly, some questionable and there are probably, other laws yet to be discovered. Science is limited to discovering and explaining the "Laws of Nature", they have no power to discover their origin. This is the realm of the philosophy and metaphysics.
People often ask why can bad things happen to people here on Earth if God loves us so much? If God is all good - why would "he" let these things happen? The simple answer to that is like I said before - it is the "Laws of Nature", NOT GOD! that governs the universe. Everything that happens is a consequence of these "Laws" - come what may. Besides - what is good for God does not necessarily have to be good for people. We live on a tiny speck of space dust in a universe of trillions of stars. God has his own priorities and we here on Earth are just an extremely minor part of his realm.
God has revealed the possibility of his existence to mankind by giving all Homo Imaginative Sapiens (modern humans) the special gift of human imagination. I feel modern humans are very special in God's eyes. This powerful special gift is another sense in addition to our animal senses and separates us from all the other animals on earth, it gave mankind the power to progress through the ages. All of mankind's achievements are a result of its human imagination. Because of this special gift I believe if we ask for guidance he may (or may not) give it to us. But beware of people who say they know the "word of God" - God talks to no one not even Moses or anyone else! We really don't know what God thinks we can only guess. The only true "word of God" are the physical laws of nature which the great science philosophers are slowly discovering. These are as close as we can come to the "Word of God".
Human imagination is the basis of our "human nature". Without this ability we could not have advanced beyond the other animals that inhabit the Earth. Imagination is the ability to visualize things and actions within our mind that do not yet exist, or may never exist. It is the power that made it possible for humans to discover many of the secret worlds of nature. We can see marks on a paper (written words) and and immediately associate (imagine)them with things or actions or we can hear complex sounds (voice) and imagine their meaning if we know the language.
Human imagination gave us the power to invent the telescope which allows people to peer deep into the universes astronomical secrets. The microscope allowed mankind to discover the secret world of microbes. The invention of the radio allowed us to discover the secret world of electromagnetic transmission. These inventions opened up vast new secret worlds of nature to mankind.
Most things humans do requires "human imagination". Without human imagination there could be no supernatural; Gods, devils, angels, religions, myths, stories, etc.. There could be no advancement of technology, science or philosophy. Imagination is the key to human understanding and progress. Imagination revealed the universe to humans. The power of imagination is what makes the "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" species special beings. Human imagination created "The MIND of Mankind" (the ability of modern humans to communicate their ideas to one another and build upon these ideas).
By Donald Hamilton - All rights reserved.

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The Many Motions of Planet Earth.
The Two Energies of Matter.
Absolute Space - Space Energy Level of Matter.