A body's "Motion/Energy" level (momentum) is relative to other bodies, etc.
A body's "Mass/Energy" level relative to space has no motion zero(0).
© Donald Louis Hamilton
All Motion is Relative - to something else. To describe the motion of any body at least two points of reference must be taken into account. (a body's motion must be compared to something else, another body, the background, etc.). For example; an automobile's motion compared to the surface over which it is traveling, this goes for the Earth too. The Earth's motion compared to the sun or moon or stars, etc. (each comparison is different) You cannot describe the motion of the Earth without comparing it to something else. Its motion will be different in each case, with the reference to what it is being compared to. However when comparing the earth's motion with space itself its motion is always zero (0). The Earth's motion relative absolute space alone, excluding all matter and energy is always zero (0). The Earth is stationary - relative to absolute universal space! Although the earth NOR any other matter has motion relative to absolute space it does have a mass/energy level relative to absolute space. This energy is manifested as its "relativistic inertial mass" or energy level relative only to space itself (it "space energy level"). Michelson, Morley Experiment. We live on our tiny planet that has many motions in the vast cosmos. It location is in the faster outlying portion of a spiral galaxy. Its motion/energy is higher therefore its relativistic inertial mass will also be higher. This is the area of spiral galxies that has the highest relativistic inertial mass (space energy level) therefore this is where the stars are able to form because of the stronger gravity due to the high relativistic mass (dark matter). The mysterious dark matter is just ordinary matter at a higher mass/energy level relative to absolute space. The high inertial mass/energy level enables gravity to crunch its matter enough for the fusion reactions to create new stars. (Notice the new blue stars in the outer aportions of spiral galaxies.) The galaxy itself is accelerating (falling?) toward the outer regions (border?) of the universe. The following is a list of the many motions of planet Earth. You will note that all the motions on this list are motions relative to other references, bodies, backgrounds, etc. The one notable exception to this is the Earth does not move relative to absolute (universal) space itself. The Earth's motion relative to universal space is always ZERO(0). This is the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to find any motion of the earth moving through space. The Earth and all other bodies' motion, relative to space, is zero (0). Universal space is all one, it has no references, no direction, therefore no motion can be detected. The physical "Laws of Nature" create and govern the matter and energy within the universe. The existence of the "Laws of Nature'" are the framework that create the universe and give it its personality. Where these "LAWS" end the universe ends. The universe cannot exist without the Laws of Nature.
This was indicated by the Michelson-Morley experiment and all other subsequent experiments. No motion has ever been detected between Earth and space. Fitzgerald offered an adhoc explanation that the Earth contracted just enough to compensate for the motion of the Earth through space. Einstein came up with a slightly different explanation but the simple truth is that - the Earth is not moving - relative to space - its speed is zero.
by Donald Louis Hamilton, author of - "The Mind of Mankind"
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