Human Imagination - the source of Mankind's tremendous power. Chapter 16 (updated)
A body does not move unless it changes its position in some way relative to another body and when there are no other bodies to consider, its impossible to move relative to absolute space itself. Although matter moves about the universe relative to other matter, it does not move relative to absolute space. Absolute Space itself (excluding all energy and matter) is a single entity from one end of the universe to the other. A body cannot pass from one part of space to another, space itself is all one. Move relative to what??
Absolute Space is independent of matter and energy - it exists because of the laws of nature and as a result of the existence of the laws of nature. The laws of nature and absolute space are synonymous.The laws of nature create absolute space. The laws of nature brought the universe into existence. The laws of nature are invariant and unchanging. If there was a big bang the laws of nature had to be in place before that event could happen.
There are no perfect clocks. “Rest Mass” only indicates an atomic clock's inertial mass at a certain space energy level. At different relativistic mass/energy levels a clock's inertial mass will be different. Time does not slow down as a rocket accelerates, only the atomic clock's frequency changes as the atom's mass/energy increases.
The M-M experiment proved that there is no aether wind! BUT THERE MAY BE AN AETHER! Absolute Space without considering its energy or matter is far from empty, it contains all the laws of nature. Every square centimeter of space within the Universe is filled with all the laws in existence; physics, chemistry and biology.
Matter always has two energy levels - a relativistic mass/energy level relative to absolute space and a kinetic/ energy level (vector velocities - momentum) relative to other bodies. Its velocity relative to absolute space is always zero (0).
Space without considering its energy or matter is far from empty however, it is absolutely packed with all the laws of nature. Every square centimeter of space within the universe is filled with all the laws and requirements in existence. If an astronaut was traveling in a rocket ship that was completely alone in space he would still feel the effects of inertia (and all the other natural laws) in his ship. Until the time of the Michelson-Morley experiments, scientists thought that space was filled with an aether, in which, the Earth and all bodies moved. The medium, in which, the light rays traveled. The M & M experiments proved this theory wrong. They proved there is no aether wind, just universal space filled with the laws and requirements that control the motion of all of the matter and energy within it. As far as absolute space is concerned a body of matter has no motion (aether wind) relative to aether but they didn't prove there was no aether. In the Michelson-Morley Experiment they found out that when a body emits a ray of light, it always travels at the same speed. The body and the light ray only move away from each other at the speed of light, nothing else is taken into consideration. Michelson always thought his apparatus was moving through space. This was his mistake, the truth is, relative to absolute space, his apparatus is not moving one bit, it is completely motionless. It is only moving relative to other bodies. This may be a tough thing to imagine but that's the way it is. The ray of light will travel away from the body at exactly the same speed no matter which direction it is emitted. Michelson/Morley experiment was a tremendous success, unfortunately they did not comprehend its implications. Other then the effects of inertia, there is no possible way to describe the motion of a body traveling in space without bringing another body into the description. When a ray of light is emitted, it will travel away from the body at the maximum speed that space allows, the speed of light (I call Inertial Infinity), in any direction, no other body will be taken into consideration. Photons (light) always travel away from the emitting body at the same speed in every direction because the emitting body's velocity is always zero (0) relative to absolute space. Although there is no motion between an emitting body of matter and absolute space itself, the body's inertial requirement (relativistic inertial mass/energy) does vary with its space energy level and therefore is an indicator of its mass/energy level relative to absolute space. Our galaxy was traveling slower, relative to the border of the universe four and a half billion years ago, when our sun came into existence. Since the galaxy has been accelerating (falling toward the border) all this time its matters’ relativistic mass/energy has increased relative to absolute space. Therefore the average mass energy of its matter has increased. Billions of years from now as it continues to accelerate, the sun's relativistic mass/energy level may be high enough to begin acting as a Quasar. A body that has a very low space energy level (at near rest in space) has little mass or gravitational power. The same body traveling at near the speed of light would have tremendous mass and gravitational power. Its space energy level would be very high. This may be one of the reasons that quasars, which are traveling at speeds perhaps at three-quarters the speed of light, emit such enormous amounts of radiation compared to our nearby galaxies. Another reason may be that since the quasars are traveling closer to the speed of light (Inertial Infinity) they require less additional energy to radiate energy (EME). These two factors create conditions that make possible far greater nuclear fusion reactions etc. then can take place in the slower moving galaxies. Although the mass of the speeding galaxy may be much greater then that of the slow moving galaxy the amount of actual matter in both galaxies will remain relatively constant. The amount of matter that makes up our Sun remains relatively constant (except for the particles it ejects in the solar wind). Although tremendous amounts of its mass is continually being radiated off into space, the sun is steadily acquiring new mass/energy as our galaxy continues to accelerate towards the boundary of the Universe. The net amount of mass/energy remains relatively constant with an upward bias. The Inertial Requirement (its mass) of a body will increase as it accelerates in space, due to a force acting on it, no matter which direction it travels. As has been experimentally proven, a body accelerating in space will gain mass. If it then somehow reverses its direction and begins to accelerate in the opposite direction, due to a force acting on it, its mass will not decrease and return to its original state. Its mass will continue to increase as it approaches the speed of light no matter which direction it is traveling. (Space has no direction, relative to a single body.) The only way it can loose mass is to emit radiation in some way. This seems to be just what the stars are doing. The higher a galaxy’s, space energy level is, the more radiation its stars must emit to keep from overmassing. A quasar galaxy is traveling at a tremendous rate of speed (approaching the speed of light), therefore its stars must radiate energy at an enormous rate to keep from overmassing. Due to the constant increase of its space energy level, because of the acceleration of a galaxy in space, stars must continually emit tremendous amounts of radiation energy in order to stabilize their mass/energy level. The amount of radiation emitted is proportional to the speed of the galaxy. Just as steam prevents water from overheating, radiation prevents the matter of the stars from overmassing, (reaching Inertial Infinity). A correlation to this phenomenon can be observed in a cyclotron when an accelerating particle spontaneously emits synchrotron radiation light waves as it approaches the speed of light. The synchrotron radiation causes the particle's mass/energy (space energy level) to automatically be lowered. Donald Louis Hamilton, author of the book - "The Mind of Mankind" - Human Imagination the source of Mankind's tremendous power.
![]() Inertial Mass - The Space Energy Level of Matter