The energy level of a body of matter relative to space - its "space energy level" determines the body's relativistic mass/energy. There is no need for the fictional Higgs boson to create matter's inertial mass.
Another Dimension of Nature! - Relative to absolute space itself a body is completely motionless. - A body does not travel through space. Although the Michelson/Morley experiments in 1887 to find our Earth's motion through the hypothetical aether wind (absolute space) failed, the experiments were successful in that they discovered one of the most fundamental realities of nature. They failed to realize this however and thought their quest to prove the existence of aether wind was a failure. Actually they proved that absolute (universal) space is one single entity. Matter moves relative only to other bodies NOT to absolute space. This was probably the greatest discovery of the 19th century - and yet still unrecognized by today's science.
Higgs Boson or Absolute Space?? - It is Absolute (universal) Space itself that creates and determines the relativistic inertial mass/energy of matter. Although the accelerating body's motion is changing relative to other bodies, it is motionless relative to absolute space. It is impossible to move from one part of space to another part, it is all one. BUT the body's mass/energy level relative to space itself ("space energy level") does increase as a force is exerted on it. This is perceived as an increase in the relativistic inertial mass of the body. In a particle accelerator a proton becomes more massive as it accelerates therefore it requires more force to maintain the same acceleration relative to other matter. Its mass/energy level relative to absolute space itself (space energy level) increases.
(F=MA) - Newton's 2nd Law of Motion states to the effect that when a force is exerted on an object it will accelerate relative to other bodies. However what Newton did not know that the body's relativistic mass/energy, the (M) in his equation also increases. Its mass/energy level relative to absolute space (space energy level) also rises by an extremely tiny amount as indicated by Einstein's (E=MC2). The force (F) in Newton's equation creates motion/energy (vector acceleration) BUT it also creates mass/energy relative to absolute space (scalar - no motion) in extremely tiny amounts.
It takes a tremendous amount of force to create a tiny amount mass as indicated by these two equations.
Star Formation - The star forming matter in the outlying areas of spiral galaxies is traveling much faster then in matter in the central portions of the galaxy. This means the relativistic mass/energy is greater relative to absolute space in these outlying areas. Therefore its gravitational power will be strong enough to compress the star matter enough for fusion reactions to begin. This is why star formation takes place in the outlying portion of spiral galaxies. This is where the galaxy's "mass/energy level relative to absolute space" is much higher - this is where the dark matter resides. Dark matter is just ordinary matter at a very high relativistic mass/energy level.
Dark Matter - Since the galaxy's angular motion is greater in the outlying regions of the galaxy its inertial mass/energy will also be greater in this outlying area. Therefore it's relativistic inertial mass/energy and therefore its gravitatational power will also be greater (according to Newton's equation). This stronger gravitational power gives its dark matter the strength to compress its matter sufficiently to began a fusion reactions deep within the proto star. There is no need for the fictional "Higgs boson" to create matter's mass.
The scientists thought they had discovered Higg's Boson at the Collider in July of 2012 but it was unofficial and may take years to make it official and in the meantime the Collider was shut down for repairs.
Relative Motion - All motion must be relative to something else. To perceive motion of a body it must be compared with another frame of reference or body. When its motion/energy is being compared to absolute space its motion/energy is always zero. That is why Michelson could find no evidence of motion of the Earth through absolute space.
The Two Energies of Matter. - When a force (F = MA) is exerted on an accelerating body it always has two changes in its energy level, one (motion/energy) relative to other bodies or reference frames (momentum) and one energy relative to absolute space its relativistic inertial mass/energy (E = MC2), the absolute space - the reference frame of the whole universe.
Donald L. Hamilton, author of the book - "The Mind of Mankind" - Human Imagination the source of Mankind's tremendous power.
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The Two Energies of Matter
Inertial Mass - The Space Energy Level of Matter
Searching For Reality With Imagination.