The Creation of the Solar System
© 1996 - 2011 Donald L. Hamilton
The fusion reaction explosion sent the sun's matter hurtling at great speed outward in every direction in all sizes and speeds, both gases and molten solids, from the size of small particles to the size of the giant planets. Some of it was hurled out at such a great velocity that it was lost forever to other regions of the galaxy.
About four and one half billion years ago our protosun was slowly collapsing under the force of its gravity. As it did this, due to the immense compression caused by gravity it became extremely hot. Millions of degrees centigrade. The more compact it got, the hotter it got. It was not alone in the sky, it was part of a community of stars and protostars that lay in the outer regions of our galaxy, the Milky Way.
The proto-sun was being swept around the galaxy, along with its neighbors, at a much higher speed than the older stars located nearer the center of the galaxy and therefore had a higher "space energy level" (inertal mass and stronger gravity). This stronger gravity gave sun the power to contract enough to reach a temperature that could create a fusion reaction. This is the "dark matter" energy that the scientists are searching for.
So far it had no satellites, (planets, moons, etc.) it’s gravity had sucked in most of the star dust from its vicinity for hundreds of millions of miles in every direction. It was getting close to the temperature and pressure required for a nuclear fusion reaction to occur. The protosun was like a giant nuclear hydrogen bomb waiting to be detonated.
When this tremendous event finally did occur, the nuclear fusion reactions started up in the hottest most dense area of the Sun. Tremendous amounts of radiant nuclear energy were suddenly created in the innards of the Sun. All of this newly released energy caused a sudden sustained violent increase in the pressure and temperature of the Sun creating tremendous chain reactions throughout its core region.
These reactions did not just cause the star to began shining. It caused the Sun to violently expand to many times its former size and explode. The explosion sent its matter hurtling at great speed outward in every direction in all sizes and speeds, both gases and molten solids, from the size of small particles to the size of the giant planets. Some of it was hurled out at such a great velocity that it was lost forever to other regions of the galaxy.
Much of the debris eventually fell back, into the speeding Sun, if its trajectory was just right. Other debris, after it had expended its outward energy and had not broken free of the Sun's gravity, began to fall back toward the Sun.
It fell back toward the Sun, but due to the Sun's great galactic speed and changing position always missed the Sun. This is the matter that became the planets, moons, comets, asteroids of our solar system. They are the survivors.
It is like a skeet shooter who always aims directly at the clay pigeon, not allowing for a lead. His shot will never strike the pigeon simply because it will always have moved by the time the shot gets there. This is the basis on how our solar system works. It was a time of tremendous chaos in the solar vicinity, with all the matter rushing back toward the Sun from every direction crashing into each other and falling back into the Sun.
After the initial explosion, the rapidly expanding sun began to cool. As it cooled the area that a fusion reaction could take place became smaller and smaller. Some of the fusion reaction began to shut down. The expansion eventually came to a halt as the fusion energy was no longer powerful enough to sustain the expanding outward momentum. Finally the expansion stopped altogether and then the Sun began to contract.
This at first stabilized the fusion reaction and then as the gravitational contraction of the Sun continued, the area of the reaction again began to increase. When the Sun had contracted to the point where the area of reaction was again very large, the Sun again expanded and exploded outward with tremendous force sending more matter hurling out into space.
This time however the expansion and explosion was not as powerful as the first event. This sequence of events happened again and again, each time the explosion was weaker and the expansion and contraction not as great as the previous event. This pulsation of the Sun gradually diminished, after millions of Earth years, until it finally stabilized and became a mature star. This expansion and contraction rhythm may continue today at a very attenuated pace, perhaps causing our regularly reoccurring ice ages.
Scientists have determined that the glaciers of our last ice age began receding at both poles simultaneously indicating; a period of diminished solar radiation could have caused these ice ages. This periodic expansion and contraction is simply the balancing act of the Sun's gravitational and nuclear fusion forces.
Eventually out of all this chaos and turmoil our orderly solar system began to emerge. The Sun had slowly settled down from its tremendous expansions and contractions of earlier times. Most of its matter had fallen back into the Sun, some had been lost and a small percentage had begun oscillating back and forth across the Sun’s path.
The sun began to emit a constant amount of radiant energy that did not fluctuate too much. (This made the existence of life on Earth possible). Its solar flares became less energetic. At that time they still occasionally spit out globs of molten matter and gases into space, some of which also became comets and other solar bodies. These prominences still occur today but now they do not have enough velocity to overcome the gravity of the mature Sun.
The matter, hurling out in these present prominences does not have enough energy to escape from the vicinity of the Sun, into space and so, it falls back into the Sun. The solar flares that we observe today are very tame in comparison with the tremendously powerful solar prominences that occurred in the past ages when significant amounts of matter were hurled free of the Sun's vicinity, into possible orbit.
The debris of the early convulsions of the Sun (our solar bodies, the planets, moons, comets, asteroids etc.) are all constantly falling directly toward the Sun. Due to its tremendous galactic velocity, the Sun's position is constantly changing, so they seldom strike it. Millions of collisions have however, occurred between all the debris over the ages.
The potmarks on the Moon, Mars and our Earth, etc. are evidence of the enormous number of these collisions. The bodies that collided with other bodies either fell back into the Sun or they were absorbed by the larger bodies of the solar system. The asteroid belt is probably made up of debris from a collision of two fairly large solar bodies whose paths crossed.
Over a period of millions of years, the solar bodies settled into their present orbits. The planets, moons etc. that are a present part of our solar system are the survivors of the millions of collisions that took place when the solar system was younger. They are now well spaced from each other and since they maintain their respective distances from the Sun are in little danger of colliding with each other. They are the survivors. This is the reason for Bode's Law. Comets are the exception to this rule.
The smaller planets and moons that survived all the collisions began to line up in the same plane as the larger planets. The planets, except for Pluto lined up in the approximate plane of Jupiter and the Sun. Pluto will probably line up eventually. The orbits' of the comets are tilted and are very elongated. They are in danger of someday colliding with another body in the solar system. They are probably much younger then the other solar bodies. They may have been born from later solar prominences or may be stray bodies that came from outside our system.
Halley's Comet travels in an orbit that is apparently opposite to the orbital direction of the other planets and has a long elliptical path that crosses the other planet's planes. It is in danger of possibly eventually colliding with one of the planets. Its plane intersects with the other planets' plane, between Mars and Earth's orbit.
Even though the comet appears to be orbiting in a direction opposite to that of the planets, it actually approaches the Sun from the rear of its galactic path as do all the other permanent bodies in the solar system. They are all (planets, moons, asteroids, and comets) traveling in the same galactic direction and at nearly the same average speed as the Sun. Halley's comet is actually traveling in the same direction as the rest of the planets. Its perihelion is on the opposite side of the Sun however, giving the illusion that its apparent orbital direction is retrograding relative to the planets.
Our Earth was spinning very fast when it was spit out of the Sun as a molten glob four and one half billion years ago in the initial explosion. (Venus was spinning in an opposite direction when it was spit out and is still doing the same). The Earth settled down in a very fortunate orbit for the existence of life. At 93 million miles distance from the Sun it receives just about the right amount of radiant energy.
Its spinning has gradually slowed down over these billion of years and is now settled into a comfortable 24 hour rotation at the present time. It will be millions of years in the future before it slows to a complete halt as our less massive moon has already.
In the days of the dinosaurs when the Earth was spinning faster, the days/night cycles were shorter. Going back a couple of billion years further, at one time the Earth was spinning so fast that it may have had a ring around it, similar to Saturn. The Earth was much more oblate at that time, the oceans were more concentrated around the equatorial zones, with much more shallow ocean depths at the poles. The oceans are still deeper at the equator then they are at the poles and the Earth is still slightly oblate.
Ref. Chapter 12 - "The Birth of the Earth" - "THE MIND OF MANKIND", Human Imagination, the source of Mankind's tremendous power!
by Donald L. Hamilton,
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I received your book in the mail and I am on page 96 this morning. I can't put it down!!! I have read litterly 100's of books in the past 15 years and I have to say that your book (so far) is answering every question that I ever had about life! Your book makes more sense to me than any other I have read.
Sincerely, Donna
"The Mind of Mankind" explores the unique ability of the mind to form a mental image - to imagine. Mr Hamilton discusses current theories as well as mysteries and introduces new ones from his fertile imagination for us to ponder, consider, accept or reject.
Richard Fuller, Senior Editor - Metaphysical Reviews
"I'm a geophysicist. I work in geodynamics and climate. My field of work is earth rotation and
gravity in relation with climate. I read some ideas of your book, and they are quite good.
Regards - Rodrigo, France
Ted Holmes says, "I just want to pass along my compliments on the depth of thought you have put into your work. I especially enjoyed the portion illustrating how a body does not move except in relation to other bodies, not in relation to space. It is the first time I have heard about this concept."
From a satisfied reader -" Hello Mr Hamilton,
Just finished your book ... great job! Do you have any other similar books
I was looking for information on creation/evolution
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This book should be included in the educational systems
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