The non-voting kids (the 99% protesters) have finally grown up to realize that the far right republican conservatives have been loading the national debt on their shoulder's for the past 30 years with their "Spend and Borrow"policies (spend now and let the non-voting kids pay for it later). This has increased the country's national debt tremendously over the years. The republican's "Spend and Borrow" policies" have piled more then 15 trillion dollars of debt on the kids shoulders. Now the tea party is telling them they have to cut their social benefits to pay for the republican incurred debt. The kids have been saddled with this republican incurred debt while they were still too young to vote. Now they will have to pay for this republican debt by cutting benefits they would have been entitled to from the tremendous profits made from the increased productivity America has achieved in the past 30 years. Millions of workers have been displaced by machines and computers but the aim of the republicans is that only the "have mores" will enjoy the benefits of the increased productivity - the displaced workers will just have to fend for themselves. Right now the tea party is trying their hardest to cut the social benefits that ordinary citizens should now be enjoying. Its like a one - two punch. The republicans create tremendous amount of "spend and borrow" debt that is loaded on non-voters shoulders while the tea party demands that their social benefits be cut to pay for the republican incurred debt. The Iraq war was a non-event for the have more voters - it cost them nothing in blood or money. It was the poorer kids who went off too war while the rich kids went off to college. The war didn't cost "have more" parents anything since they received two large tax cuts from the republicans while the fighting was raging. The money to pay for the war was paid for by piling the debt on the kid's (non-voters) shoulders by issuing U.S. treasury bonds (borrowing). No tax increases were levied to pay for the trillion dollar wars. The republican strategy is to make the country so financially weak by borrowing that the government will be forced to cut the social programs and other programs to pay for republican extravagances and their ill advised tax cuts. The republican side of congress is pledged to destroy America as we know it with only the "have mores" (rich) benefitting from the wealth of America's high productivity. Cantor, Boehner, McConnell, Ryan and their republican supporters are all enemies of socialism in America. They want to destroy the social benefits the American citizens fought so hard to get over the years and let only the "have mores" (A George Bush Jr. phrase) enjoy the benefits of their "New Conservative America" that they are creating. Over 90% of the republican congress has signed a pledge to make this happen by refusing to make the rich pay their share of taxes and keep America broke. The ultimate goal of the radical right wing is to destroy socialism in America and replace it with a new "Republican Conservative America". The poorer citizens will benefit little from living in America (other then what trickles down from the "have mores"). The republican and tea parties hate social programs and will do their best to eliminate them. To make this happen they aim to:
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