The Nature of Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton, by Godfrey Kneller 1689.
by Donald Louis Hamilton
For 2000 years science philosophers accepted Aristotle's absolutely ridiculous idea,
that a heavy body, since it weighed more then a lighter body, should
fall faster because the heavy body was exerting more downward
It doesn't make sense when you think about it. Why would two bodies, by simply being connected together into one large body and therefore weigh more, fall faster then they would if they were not connected and fell individually. Galileo realized the fallacy of this idea and experimentally proved this was not the case but did not know why. Newton explained it by saying the heavier body has more inertia and therefore requires more force then the lighter body so they both fall at the same rate.
I say the reason why all bodies fall at the same rate is that Gravity exerts its force at the sub-atomic level, on each individual sub-atomic particle that makes up the body simultaneously. Two attracting bodies each exert their force across space, on the other body's sub-atomic particles. Gravity interacts with each individual particle simultaneously. That is why a person in free fall
(with no atmosphere) feels nothing. No matter how fast a body accelerates under the force of gravity alone the body will feel no effect of inertia. The body is weightless.
Since all the sub-atomic particles of a body that interact with gravity have the same mass or are bound together by nuclear forces they will all accelerate at the same rate.
It does not make any difference whether the body has billions of
these particles or trillions of particles, gravity exerts its force
equally on each individual particle. The number of particles determines the amount of the body's (inertial) mass and therefore its gravitational attraction power(GP).
A small body has fewer sub-atomic particles then a large body so it will not have as much total attractive force as the larger body and therefore not be able to create as much acceleration on the large body while the large body will be able to cause the small body to accelerate faster. For example - The earth's gravitational force (its G power) is much greater then the moon's G power so it will cause the moon to accelerate faster toward the earth then the moon can cause the earth to accelerate toward the moon BUT their combined acceleration toward each other will be the same as a 1000 lb. body (or any other body) accelerating toward each other.
While the body falls at the normal rate of 32.2'/second/second toward the earth, the earth accelerates toward the body at an infinitesimally small rate that would be hard to measure but their combined acceleration would be the same as the earth/moon combined rate.
Two bodies of equal mass would not fall toward each other because they would each have the same inertial requirement. Therefore the gravitational power of the body would be equal to the IR of the other body. Their IR (inertial requirement) and GP (gravitational power) would be equal and therefore cancel the other's acceleration.
Gravity by itself can never create the effect of weight. It always requires another force (Secondary force) acting on the body to create the effect of weight. The earth's suface exerts just enough force to STOP the gravitational acceleration of a body and then PREVENT any further gravitational acceleration this is manifested as the body's weight.
Since gravity is exerting its force on each sub-atomic particle of a body simultaneously in unison and since they all have the same mass there are no stresses acting on the body. They will all accelerate at the same rate. This is what fooled Einstein into thinking that there was no force acting on the falling person - but he was wrong.
Newton explained bodies fall at the same rate of acceleration because Gravity and Inertia are
exactly proportional. Einstein said they are equivalent.
The truth is - Inertia simply requires a force be exerted on a body for it to
accelerate and gravity is one of the "primary forces" that can fulfill this requirement.
Inertia and Gravity are not equivalent but they do work together. Inertia requires a certain amount of force for
a certain body to accelerate at a certain rate. Gravity is one of the primary forces that can do this.
Only the four primary forces are energy forces - they must be exerted
first for a body to accelerate - all other forces (SECONDARY FORCES)
can only alter the original primary forces in some manner.
Does a heavy object exert more downward force then a light object?
YES it exerts more TOTAL downward force BUT gravity does not exert
its force on the object as a whole, it exerts its force on each
individual sub-atomic particle that makes up the object simultaneously.
Gravity interacts with each individual sub-atomic particle simultaneously.
The SECONDARY FORCES cannot do this, they exert their force in succession, one body pushes against the next body which pushes against the next etc. etc.. A molecule pushes against the next molecule, an atom pushes against the next atom (even though, at this level they may not actually touching each other). This action causes the effect of weight to be created.
Donald Louis Hamilton - author of The MIND of Mankind; Human Imagination, the source of Mankind's tremendous power!
Ref. Book - "Mind of Mankind" published 1996, Chapt 18. "Weight, Its Relation to Inertia and Gravity"
For more see: Weight

New Concepts in Science and Philosophy.
Reviews & Comments
Absolutely Outstanding! It came signed by author with a personal note. Great touch. The content of the book is fascinating. Really gets you thinking about our classic accepted concepts. I think someday in the future people will look back at this book and marvel at how these new ideas came about, and generated wider acceptance.
I received your book in the mail and I am on page 96 this morning. I can't put it down!!! I have read litterly 100's of books in the past 15 years and I have to say that your book (so far) is answering every question that I ever had about life! Your book makes more sense to me than any other I have read.
Sincerely, Donna
"The Mind of Mankind" explores the unique ability of the mind to form a mental image - to imagine. Mr Hamilton discusses current theories as well as mysteries and introduces new ones from his fertile imagination for us to ponder, consider, accept or reject.
Richard Fuller, Senior Editor - Metaphysical Reviews
"I'm a geophysicist. I work in geodynamics and climate. My field of work is earth rotation and
gravity in relation with climate. I read some ideas of your book, and they are quite good.
Regards - Rodrigo, France
Ted Holmes says, "I just want to pass along my compliments on the depth of thought you have put into your work. I especially enjoyed the portion illustrating how a body does not move except in relation to other bodies, not in relation to space. It is the first time I have heard about this concept."
From a satisfied reader -" Hello Mr Hamilton,
Just finished your book ... great job! Do you have any other similar books
I was looking for information on creation/evolution
when I came across your book.
This book should be included in the educational systems
of the world ... all ethnic groups could benefit greatly from this writing." - Matt
"Human Imagination is modern humans ability to visualize within their mind. To be creative! The power to become aware of the wonders of the nature! An eagle may have much keener eyes then ours but it cannot 'see' the things that we can!"
Donald L Hamilton
"Searching for Reality with Imagination."