The "MIND" of Mankind
Human Imagination - the source of Mankind's tremendous power.
Chapter 18
In forming his The General Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein used his famous
thought experiments to justify his postulate that Inertia and Gravity are equivalent.
Although they are closely related they are not equivalent. Inertia is a requirement of space.
Gravity is one of the primary forces of nature that fulfils this requirement. The force of
gravity arises from the “mass” created by the Inertial requirement of Space. One of the
ideas that misled Einstein to his conclusion was that a body dropped in an accelerating
elevator behaved in exactly the same manner as it would if dropped on the surface of
Earth. Actually, the effects, in both cases, are similar but not exactly the same.

The truth is gravity causes bodies, dropped from various heights in the room resting on the ground,
to fall at different rates of acceleration (due to their different distances to the center of
gravity of the Earth) where as, all bodies in the accelerating elevator "fall" at the same rate.
Also they do not "fall" parallel to each other under the influence of gravity as they do in an
accelerating room. Since in both cases, the motions of the falling bodies are not the same,
it is good evidence that gravity and inertia are also, not equivalent. Einstein may have
known about these discrepancies but choose to explain it as a local equivalence. (It works
in large space but not small space).
Actually, in both the accelerating elevator and the room resting on the ground,
weight, not gravity, is created! The weight created in the elevator (or in an accelerating
rocket, etc.) is just as real as weight created on the surface of the Earth. It is created in both
cases because a Secondary Force is being exerted on the body altering the body's primary
acceleration, not because Gravity and Inertia are equivalent.
Weight is created simply because inertia (space) requires a force be exerted to
accelerate a body and the unique manner that the Secondary Force exerts its force on a
body. It exerts its force in succession, one body pushes against the next body which pushes
against the next etc. etc.. A molecule pushes against the next molecule, an atom pushes
against the next atom (even though, at this level they may not actually touch each other),
the floor of a rocket pushes against the feet of an astronaut which pushes against hiser (a
new word meaning his and/or her) ankles which push against hiser legs, etc. etc.
Secondary Force creates the unique effect of weight by exerting its force in
succession. Gravity, a Primary Force, exerts its energy on all the atoms of a body
simultaneously, not in succession. That is the big difference! A body under Gravity's
influence alone is weightless. Only when a Secondary Force alters the body's
acceleration, in some manner, is the effect of weight created.
In both cases of Einstein's thought experiment (A and B) a Secondary Force is creating the
effect of weight. When a Primary Force such as Gravity is exerted on a body alone, (case
C) the body accelerates but the body is weightless! Gravity is exerting exactly the same
amount of force on each basic particle simultaneously. Gravity is not cancelled, the
elevator is completely under the influence of gravitational force. It is being accelerated by
Gravity alone and therefore no weight is created.
Weight itself is not a force, it is the
unique effect created when a Secondary Force is exerted against a body and can be used as
an accurate measurement to indicate the amount of Secondary Force that is being exerted.
On Earth, weight is the measure of Secondary Force required to prevent a body from
accelerating 32.2 ft./sec/sec toward the center of Earth. Weight is created only when a
Secondary Force is exerted against a body, thereby altering the body's original
acceleration caused by a Primary Force.
It could be Gravity or another Primary Force
such as those that arise from the chemical reactions which produce the gases that propel a
rocket or the electromagnetic force of the elevator's motors, it makes no difference. The
important thing is that a Secondary Force must be exerted to stop or alter the body's
acceleration for the effect of weight to be created. If a body is "resting" on the surface of
the Earth, the surface of earth prevents (stops) it from continuing its fall toward the center of the
A Secondary Force creates the effect of weight in both cases (A and B).
Gravity is not a factor in the accelerating room, (and we have just seen above) that both cases do not even create exactly the same acceleration). Therefore, Einstein's postulate, "The Principle of Equivalence",
has not been proven by this thought experiment. The idea that a light beam (case D) will
be influenced by gravity being exerted on it, also has not been proven. According to Michelson, Morley experiment a light beam was emitted across the rising elevator (it has motion/energy) but has no motion (mass/energy) (not moving) relative to absolute space and therefore will be reflected directly back to it. (Matter always has two energies "motion/energy" relative to other matter and "mass/energy" relative to space. The star beam that was supposedly deflected by the Sun’s gravity in the 1919 eclipse to add credibility to Einstein’s relativity theory, was probably deflected by the Sun’s extended corona and solar wind. It has since been discovered that the sun's solar wind extends far out past the solar system and could defintely effect the star's apparent position.
Photons, (electromagnetic emission, EME), being pure energy, have no inertial
mass or gravitational attraction when they are traveling in space. They always travel at the
highest energy level that space allows, the speed of light. (I call it Inertial Infinity.)
Matter by itself has no energy. It is only when a force (F=MA)is exerted on it, causing it to
accelerate, relative to other matter, does it also begin to acquire relativistic mass/energy
(E=MC2 and therefore (MG) gravitational strength.
In the (faster) outer part of our galaxy, a proton has a “relativistic mass” of (X) units of
inertial mass (UIMs, not lbs. or kgs., see page 183). In the central portion of our galaxy, (a
slower area), or in a slower galaxy, the “relativistic mass” of a proton would be less then (X). In
a faster galaxy it would be greater (it depends on its space energy level). Since our Galaxy
is gradually accelerating in space, (falling toward the boundary of the finite universe) the mass of its matter will also gradually increase. Since this original book was written in 1996 it was discovered (in 1998) that the universe expansion is accelerating - actually it means that the galaxies are falling (accelerating) toward the boundary of the universe instead of slowing down.
Matter can never rise to the speed of light. Although near the
boundary of the Universe its space energy level is so high that protons are torn apart and
exist as free quarks. Relativistic mass is simply an indication of the energy level a
body of matter, has attained relative to absolute space. (Remember, the body does not move, relative to
space itself.) The higher the space energy level, the more push is required, by space, to
maintain the same acceleration of the body, in any direction. Therefore the the body’s
mass is greater.
In the mass/(radiant) energy relationship: E = MC2
E - indicates the tremendous amount of EME energy (C2) a certain body of matter
possesses at a certain space energy level. The M (or mass in UIMs) indicates the tremendous amount of energy a body of that size possesses.
In the mass/(gravity)energy relationship: E = MG
E - indicates the relatively small amount of gravitational energy that same body
possesses at that same space energy level.
G - indicates the gravity constant.
M - is the same as the previous M.
[ M is inertial mass not gravitational mass. Actually, there is no such thing as
“Gravitational Mass”, other then when it is used to describe weight that is created by
Gravity and a Secondary Force.] In Newton's “Law of Gravitation”, the two attracting
masses are both Inertial Masses.
Gravity and EME, are both related to the mass of matter in their own way but not
with each other. A body’s total mass/energy, (at a certain space energy level) is
E=M(C2+G+S+W), (EME energy + Gravitational energy + the Strong & Weak energies).
They each play their vital role in making the Universe work.
Besides the boundary’s Super Attractive Force, (which is the “mother” of all
forces), all other forces can be divided into just two basic types of force. A force is either
a Primary Force or a Secondary Force. The Primary forces are the four fundamental forces
of nature that arise from the interaction of the Inertial Requirement of Space and the Super
Attractive Force with matter. They get their energy from the Super Attractive Force
emanating from the boundary of the universe. The Secondary Forces are an extension of
the energy of the Primary Forces. Each of these two types of force exert their energy in
entirely different ways however, each creating its own unique effect.
The Primary Forces include: Electromagnetic Emission, Gravity, the Strong and
the Weak atomic forces. Their energy comes from the Super Attractive Force at the
boundary of the universe and is ruled by the Inertial Requirement of Space, (the Law of
Inertia). The Primary Forces have the unique ability to exert their force across space from
a distance. These forces can impart the original acceleration to the body but their action
alone, cannot create the effect of weight.
The Secondary Forces (ordinary forces) include: Mechanical, Friction, Pressure, Obstruction,
Buoyant, etc.. (the push/pull forces). These are our ordinary contact forces. These forces
cannot create original motion in a body but can only use the energy of the Primary Forces,
to carry on or alter the original path of the Primary Forces’ energy. They have no energy
of their own. Secondary Forces are an extension of the Primary Forces’ energy. Unlike
the Primary Forces they cannot exert their force across space from a distance. They can
only exert their force from one body to the next by obstructing, pushing, bumping, rubbing
or some similar force that actually has contact with the next body, in succession.
The Law of Inertia (the Inertial Requirement of Space) requires a force be exerted
on a body in order to accelerate the body. The Primary Forces and Secondary Forces are
these forces. Both of these types of forces are equally important. They are distinctly
different in the manner they exert their force on a body and the resulting effect they have
on the body. Gravity exerts it energy on each fundamental particle of a body, whereas the
Secondary Forces exert their force on the body by direct contact, from one part to the next
part, from one body to the next body, in succession, either transmitting, altering or
blocking the original energy of the Primary Force. Secondary Force creates pressure and
stress on a body. It is this “action” that causes the effect of weight to manifest itself.
We live our entire lives comfortably, with this pressure constantly being exerted on us. It feels
comforting and secure to have the firm feel of the Earth constantly exerting its Secondary
"Obstructional" Force, preventing (stopping) our gravitational acceleration toward the
center of the Earth. If we do not have this force being exerted on us, we immediately
become weightless. In fact, the astronauts soon learned that, if they remained in a state of
weightlessness for a long period of time their bodies would began to weaken. Our bodies
have evolved under the influence of Gravity and Secondary Force (the surface of Earth).
We need the constant pressure of this secondary force on our bodies to remain strong and in good health. We are always in a state of restrained acceleration on the surface of earth - we feel this as weight. (Astronauts soon lose their strength when they orbiting weightless in space for any length of time.)
The fear of falling
(becoming weightless) is deeply ingrained in our psyche. Just step off a high diving board
or parachute out of an airplane sometime, its quite a sensation.
The Earth is constantly exerting a Secondary “Obstructional” Force, changing our
original Primary gravitational acceleration. If the Earth's surface was removed even
momentarily, our original gravitational acceleration would continue. Bodies do not rest on
the surface of the Earth. Actually everything on Earth has a constant static force acting on
it as a result of the Secondary Obstruction Force of the Earth's surface opposing the
Primary Force of Gravity.
It is somewhat analogous to a boat with its motor running, the
force of the spinning propeller pushing it against the wall. Although it is not moving it
certainly cannot be considered at rest as compared to a boat, with its motor off, simply
resting next to the wall. Although in both cases the boat is not moving, the conditions are
very different. Therefore bodies lying on the surface of the Earth are not "at rest" but have
a constant Primary Force and opposing Secondary Force being exerted against them. The
amount of weight created is directly proportional to the amount of Secondary Force being
This is a fundamental relationship of nature. A Secondary Force can never by
itself cause a body to accelerate, it needs the energy of a Primary Force. There must
always be a Primary Force exerted first. The surface of the Earth can never exert a force
on a body by itself.
When Gravity alone (a Primary Force) is exerted on a body, such as in a free fall,
there is no Secondary Force being exerted, therefore no weight will be created. Although
the body is weightless it still retains its Inertial Mass (its Inertial Requirement remains the
same). Even though a body may be accelerating at a high rate, under the force of Gravity
alone, no pressure or stress will be felt. The body will be weightless. The Earth and
everything on it, is always falling directly toward the sun but we feel no effects of this
In the falling elevator of his thought experiment, Einstein speculated that no effect
of Gravity was felt because there was no gravitational force present. The “falling”
acceleration of the elevator cancelled the gravitational force. Actually, the elevator and its
contents are totally under the influence of gravity alone. Conversely, he thought that the
upward accelerating elevator in his experiment actually created Gravity where in reality it
only created Weight. We must distinguish the difference between Gravity and Weight.
Acceleration by itself does not necessarily create the effect of weight. Like weight
it also is only an effect caused by a force being exerted on a body. A Primary Force alone
can cause a body to accelerate with no weight being created. Both weight and acceleration
are simply “effects” created by the action of a force or forces being exerted on a body.
In a rocket, either falling or, accelerating under its own power, inertia (space)
determines its rate of accel-eration, for the amount of force being exerted. But it is only the
amount of Secondary Force exerted that determines the amount of weight that will be
created. With a rocket just hovering off the ground, one Primary Force (gravity) is being
exerted against another Primary Force (electro-chemical forces of the combustion in the
rocket's engine), canceling its gravitational acceleration. It is the structure and floor of the
rocket that is the Secondary Force, creating the effect of weight on the astronaut inside.
The fact that all bodies fall at the same rate of acceleration has confused mankind
for thousands of years. Aristotle thought that a heavy body should fall faster because the
heavy body was exerting more downward force then a lighter body. Galileo
experimentally proved this was not the case. (Actually it is the total amount of upward
force necessary to restrain the body that causes the body's weight.) Newton explained it by
saying that, Gravity and Inertia are exactly proportional. Einstein said they are equivalent.
The truth is that both the heavy body and the light body have exactly the same amount of
gravitational force being exerted on each one of their most “elemental particles”.
these particles all have the same mass, Gravity exerts an equal amount of force on each
one of them, causing all of them to accelerate at the same rate, in unison, no matter which
body they happen to be a part of. Gravity is not a special case of acceleration as Newton
and Einstein thought. Inertia (space) simply requires a specific amount of force be exerted
on a body of a specific mass in order to accelerate the body at a specific rate. It is the “
elemental particles” that make up the body, that are effected by Gravity’s force.
It is up to you scientists to determine, on which elemental particles, Gravity exerts
its force. If it is determined experimentally that the particles effected are protons and
neutrons, a body that contains a higher ratio of neutrons to protons may fall slightly faster
then a body containing a reverse ratio since the neutrons have slightly greater mass then
protons. If it is determined that quarks are the “elemental particles” effected by Gravity,
this difference will not occur.
The amount of Secondary Force necessary to stop the body is proportional to the
total momentum of the body and therefore the weight of the body. For example, a bag
containing 100 marbles will require 10 times more Secondary Force to stop its fall, and
therefore weigh 10 times more, then a bag containing only 10 marbles. Even though 10
times more total gravitational force is being exerted on the larger bag of marbles, the
amount of force is being exerted against each “elemental particle” of the marble.
Therefore, the number of marbles in a bag does not make any difference, both bags of
marbles will fall at the same rate even though their weights are different.
Inertia is a requirement of space. Space requires a force be exerted on a body to
accelerate the body. Inertia determines the specific amount of force that will be required to
accelerate a certain body at a given rate. This is the Inertial Mass of the body. A body that
weighs 1 lb. on Earth will require 1 lb. of unbalanced force be exerted on it to accelerate
the body 32.2 ft./sec/sec no matter where it is in the universe (provided its space energy
level is the same). It does not matter whether the body is accelerated by gravity or a rocket.
This is the amount of force Inertia requires for that particular body. In the equation
F=MA; (F) is equal to the weight of the body because that is the amount of force required
to prevent that particular body from accelerating 32.2 ft./sec/sec while it lies on Earth. It is
simply an easy way to determine (F) on the Earth, on the moon it would be different but
the result of the ratio would be the same. Conversely, if an unbalanced force of 1 lb. is
exerted on this particular body it will accelerate at the rate of 32.2 ft./sec/sec. Therefore
this body has:
M = F/A = 1#/32.2 = .0310559 UIMs (Units of Inertial Mass). Engineers call it a
The Inertial Mass of a body is measured as; the result of the amount of force that
must be exerted on a body divided by the acceleration attained. A body that weighs 1 lb.
on Earth will have an Inertial Mass of .0310559 UIMs when its rate of acceleration is
measured in feet per second. (The Inertial Mass of a body that weighs 1 gram will be
.0010204 UIMs when measured in meters per second). These UIMs are not a force
measured in lbs. or grams. They are the ratio of the amount of force exerted, divided by
the acceleration attained. These absolute units are a measure of the body's mass or inertial
mass. The Force, in the equation, is measured as an amount equal to the weight of the
body. This body will always have a mass of .0310559 UIMs (at that space energy level),
regardless of the rate it is accelerating or the amount of force that is being exerted on it.
The ratio will remain the same at that space energy level.
If this body happened to reside on the Moon its acceleration and weight would be
different but its UIMs would not change. A body that has a mass of 1 UIM, on Earth
weighs 32.2 pounds. The Earth's surface must exert an upward Secondary Force of 32.2
pounds on this body to prevent its gravitational acceleration. A body's Inertial Mass is not
constant however, its mass will increase as its speed in space increases (space energy level
rises) because Inertia requires more and more force be exerted to maintain the same rate of
acceleration. Other terms for Inertial Mass are the mass/energy or mass of a body.
The Laws of Nature brought the Universe into existence and determined its personality. (Something like when our forefathers wrote the constitution to bring our country into existence, except that the laws and boundaries of our
country are flexible and can be broken, whereas the laws and boundary of the Universe are
not.) The Laws of Nature extend in every direction filling the entire Universe. Where the "Laws" end, Absolute Space ends and therefore the Universe ends. Within the Universe there is absolutely no where every law does not
exist in full force.
One of the "Laws" is an attracting force at the boundary of the Universe that attracts all matter. This is the primary source of all the energy in the Universe. (I call it the Super Attractive Force.) All matter falls toward the boundary of the universe. This was verified in 1998 when it was discovered that the galaxies are actually accelerating outward (falling) toward the boundary of the universe.
The Laws of Nature set the Universe in motion and it has been going ever since. (As explained in the previous chapters.) Everything in the Universe works in perfect harmony and is completely dominated and controlled Laws of Nature.
Inertia or Inertial Requirement of Space is one of the most fundamental laws of the
Universe. It ties the concepts of Mass, Energy, Matter and Space together, while the Super
Attractive Force, at the boundary, powers it. Together they make this Universe work.
Inertia guides and controls the motion of all the matter and energy in the Universe. It sets
the speed limit within the Universe. It creates the mass/energy of matter by requiring a
force be exerted to accelerate matter in Space. The energy of this force increases the mass
of the matter. It elevates the matter to a higher energy level in space, (space energy level).
The relativistic inertial mass of the matter, in turn, creates the Gravity of matter. Matter does not move
relative to absolute space itself, it only moves relative to other matter and energy within the
Universe. Matter moves in every direction all around the universe relative to other matter
but NOT relative to Absolute Space itself. (Its a tough concept to imagine but that's what the
Michelson-Morley experiments proved.) Physically, space itself is nothing, so
how can you move from one part of nothing to another part of nothing, without taking
something else into consideration? It makes sense when you think about it.
Matter always has two forms of energy - 1. Momentum energy is relative to other matter. 2. Relativistic inertial mass does not move relative to Absolute Space, BUT its space energy level changes. It
can only gain or lose mass/energy, the matter does not change, only its mass/energy changes. The
effect of this is that the relativistic mass of a body of matter varies with its space energy level and so
therefore, so does its Gravitational energy.
Scientists are having a difficult time trying to determine the true value of the
constant“G”. They keep coming up with different numbers. The reason for this may be
because they are doing their experiments at different times of the year! If my theory, that
the Earth oscillates back and forth across the Sun’s galactic path, is correct - the Earth is
traveling much faster in July then in January relative to the sun, therefore its relativistic mass (space energy level) may be slightly greater in July then in January. Changes in relativistic mass effect the atom's oscillations in atomic clocks not time itself. There are no perfect clocks! Since the Earth’s velocity changes with the seasons, its relativistic mass and therefore its gravitation constant may also vary slightly.
Another observation that seems to indicate that relativistic inertial mass and gravity
varies with the space energy level of stars is that the stars in the outer regions of a spiral
galaxies seem to be hotter then in its central portion. This is where new stars are created. The stars in the outer regions of spiral galaxies are traveling at a much faster velocity and therefore are have a higher energy level relative to absolute space. Therefore their relativistic mass/energies are higher and gravity is stronger. The stronger gravity enables fusion nuclear reactions creating new high energy blue stars to be bornin the outer portion of the spiral galaxies.
The value for “C” may also vary. Since matter does not move relative to Space, a
photon will travel away from a body, at the same velocity no matter which direction it is
emitted. A photon being pure energy will naturally, always travel at the highest energy
level that Space allows. (At Inertial Infinity, [C], the speed of light in space.) Our value for
C may be constant within our galaxy but could be different in a galaxy traveling at a higher
or lower space energy level, then our galaxy.
In conclusion, I believe; The Law of Inertia is a requirement of Universal Space -
it is one of the primary laws of Nature. Another important Law of Nature is the
"Super Attractive Force" that exists at the boundary of our Universe. This "Super Attractive
Force" causes all matter in the universe to fall (accelerate) toward it. This Primary
Force is the fundamental source of all the energy in the universe. The Inertial Requirement
of Space converts the energy of this Super Attractive Force into the relativistic inertial mass (energy) of
matter and hence the source of energy of the four Primary Forces; (Gravity, EME, the
Strong and Weak forces). The force of Gravity arises out of the Inertial Requirement but is
not equivalent to it. These four Primary forces along with the Secondary forces, under the
Law of Inertia, interact with matter to run the Universe.
A Primary Force must always be exerted first but it is Secondary Force, although
it has no energy of its own, must also be exerted to create the unique effect of weight. This
is what makes Secondary Force a very important type of force indeed. (What would we do
without this effect?). The weight of a body is proportional to and measured by the amount
of Secondary Force that is exerted to either prevent or alter the body's original
There are no perfect clocks! Time is nothing more then a series of events measured against another series of events. It could be measured in; seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years, lunar cycles, nanoseconds, light years, evolutionary time, geological time, lifespan of a person, lifespan of on insect or whatever. Time does not speed up or slow down BUT the super accurate atomic clocks that measure it do vary as relativistic inertial mass of the clocks vary. This is due to a change in the relativistic mass of the clocks, not because time is fluctuating. The ticking of the clock may slow down slightly in a speeding rocket or airplane because there is a slight change in the clock’s relativistic mass” rather then the slowing of time.
The GPS scientists must constantly monitor the synchronization lab clocks with the GPS satellites clocks to keep them in sync. This is because the relativistic mass is changing slightly in the satellite's clocks causing the atoms in the clock's oscillations to vary slightly. The ticking of clocks may also vary as the Earth speeds up and slows down between the winter and summer seasons.

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