Time Dilation
Time Dilation or a Change in the
Atomic Clock's Relativistic Inertial Mass?
© 2013 Donald Louis Hamilton
Time Dilation or Relativistic (Variable) Inertial Mass/Energy??
There are no perfect clocks! Time doesn't change, only the time keeping of the atomic clocks change when the "inertial mass" of the clocks' change. Atomic clocks are extremely accurate as long as they are at the same Mass/energy level relative to absolute space. Atomic clocks depend strictly upon the frequency of their atoms and their relativistic inertial mass/energy for accuracy. As long as they remain at the same "rest mass" level their timing will remain in sync BUT if they are moved to different relativistic mass/energy levels relative to absolute space (such as The GPS satellites) their timing will not remain in sync.
If the relativistic mass/energy of an atom changes its frequency and therefore timing will change. Therefore the frequency of its atoms will also change causing the atomic clock's time keeping to change. This was discovered by .
The GPS time keepers discovered that the atomic clocks in the GPS satellite's atomic clock ran at a slightly different rate then the ground clocks. They thought it was because of a change in gravity's strength at that altitude. They were close but it was actually the change in the clocks atoms' inertial mass/energy relative to absolute space that had changed. This slight change in the frequency of the GPS satellite's atomic clocks caused it to get out of synchronization with the atomic clocks on the ground. Therefore the clocks must be constantly adjusted to keep the government's GPS system synchronized.
Time Dilation. - Time does not slow down as a rocket accelerates, only the atomic clocks in the rocket change as their relativistic mass changes. This slight change in the relativistic mass of accelerating rocket's atomic clock cause the clock's atoms' mass (relativistic mass/energy)to change the atomic clocks' time keeping function slightly. It is the frequency of the atoms, relative to absolute space that determine the relativistic mass/energy level of the atoms.
Although matter moves about the universe relative to other matter, it does not move relative to absolute space. Absolute Space is a single entity from one end of the universe to the other. A body cannot pass from one part of space to another - absolute space itself is all one. Move relative to what?? Absolute Space without considering its energy or matter is far from empty however, it is absolutely packed with all the laws of nature. Every square centimeter of space within the Universe is filled with all the laws in existence, physics, chemistry and biology.
The inertial mass of a body of matter is an indication of the energy level the body is at relative to absolute space. A certain body of matter, for example, could have a large or small inertial mass depending on its energy level relative to absolute space ("space energy level"). We can see from this example that inertial mass of a body is not a static condition, it does vary as conditions change. No matter how fast a body travels, relative to other bodies, it does not move relative to absolute space - (as proven by the Michelson/Morley experiment). The body's relativistic inertial mass changes as its energy level relative to absolute space changes (space energy level).
A body's "Space Energy Level", determines the relativistic inertial mass/energy of the body. An astronaut traveling in a rocket at 1/2 the speed of light would have a much larger relativistic inertial mass then the same astronaut traveling in a rocket traveling at 1/4 the speed of light. The "inertial requirement of space" would require a greater force be exerted to accelerate the astronaut in any direction. His inertial mass would be greater even though the amount of matter in his body is exactly the same. The astronaut's body simply rose to a higher energy level relative to absolute space.
Relativistic Inertial Mass - We can see from this example that inertial mass of a body is not a static condition, it does change as its (relativistic) inertial mass changes. The "Rest mass" is the invariant inertial mass of the body at a certain space energy level such as the surface of the earth.
No matter how fast a body travels, relative to other bodies, it does not move relative to absolute space, only its inertial mass changes.
Scientists confuse this change of inertial mass with time dilation. "By synchronizing two atomic clocks, then flying one for extended amounts of time in an airplane and comparing its time reading with the stationary clock, scientists have discovered a dilation of a few millionths of a second for the airborne clock."
They thought they had witnessed time dilation - actually it was the relativistic inertial mass of the airplane's clock had changed its measurement of time - not time itself.
Actually what had happened was that the acceleration of the plane throughout the flight had raised the relativistic inertial mass of the clock in the airplane very slightly causing the discrepency in the synchronization of the clocks. They had in effect, witnessed an experiment using the absolute frame reference of the airborne atomic clock's, "space energy level". The acceleration of the airplane had affected its relativistic inertial mass, relative to absolute space.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) station has to adjust for time keeping discrepencies to keep the satellite atomic clocks and ground based atomic clocks in snyc. The ground-based devices have to be kept in perfect sync with satellites. To work, they have to be programmed to compensate for the time differences caused by the different relativistic mass/energy between the ground based clocks and the satellite based clocks. The atom's relativistic mass are at different "space energy levels" so their frequencies and time keeping will be different. (They will tick at slightly different rates.)
Donald L. Hamilton, author of - "The MIND of Mankind" Published November 1996
Reference - Chapters 14 to 19.
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