New Stars

The "Laws of Nature" are the Foundation of the Universe
Without these "Laws" the Universe would not exist.

A New Cosmology for the 21st Century!

© 1999 Donald L. Hamilton

  • The  "Laws of Nature"  Create  Universal  (Absolute)  Space.

    The Laws of Universal Space are the phenomena that makes possible the existence of our universe. It was the creation of these "Laws" that brought the Universe into existence. Every cubic centimeter of space from one end of the Universe to the other is filled with every law of: physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, etc. that it takes to make the Universe and everything in it work. Nature’s laws create space and determine the extent of the Universe. Where the laws end the Universe ends. The laws of nature create the Universe and give it its "personality". There may be other universes beyond our universe but their existence is beyond our realm and are not considered here.

    The ancient Greek philosophers began discovering and describing some of nature’s geometrical laws thousands of years ago. Archimedes' discovered and described the ‘law of flotation’. A couple of thousand years later. Kepler, Galileo, Newton, etc. began describing more complex laws of nature. These laws had been around since the beginning of time but now life on our little planet had finally evolved to a high enough intellectual level, that it became aware of the existence of these physical phenomena and relationships and began to describe them the best that it could.

    Life after billions of years of evolution had created an imaginative being. "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" had come into existence with an insatiable curiosity to discover nature’s deepest, most complex secrets! Without these laws nothing could exist. Einstein said space could not exist without ‘fields’. I say absolute space could not exist without the "Laws of Nature"!


    Absolute space, without considering matter & energy is far from nothingness - It is packed with the phenomena and requirements that mankind has recently been discovering and describing as theories and mathematical relationships which we call nature's physical laws.

    The "Laws of Nature" contain all the physical laws in the universe. They are inseparable and invariant - all intertwined and working in perfect harmony. Each law has its specific duties. They create and guide the matter and energy of the universe. Every cubic inch of the universe contains all of nature’s physical laws.

    Nature's physical laws work in perfect harmony, - Inertia, gravity, the chemistry periodical table, the laws of optics, the laws of biogenetics, etc. Everything is intermeshed and harmonious. They create the universe determine its size and give it its underlying personality.

    Energy and matter are created by these laws and must obey these laws - Although the laws are invariant and cannot be broken, mankind can use them to its advantage but cannot break any law of nature. These "laws" create space and therefore the universe. They give our universe its familiar characteristics. If there are other universes they may have an entirely different set of laws but that is beyond our reach.

    There are probably many phenomena (laws) yet to be discovered and described and there are some that are described wrong - I wonder what the scientific world's view of the universe will be 100 years from now.


    Beyond the boundary of the Universe, outside the Universal Laws’ sphere of influence, nothing can exist. It is completely devoid of all energy and matter. Beyond the boundary, the Laws of Universal Space do not exist, therefore nothing can exist. Since the 'Laws' create space - even space itself does not exist. The boundary of the Universe is not a wall, it is simply where the laws of the Universe end. If the laws extended out from a central point in all directions it would be shaped like a hollow sphere with nature's laws, governing and unifying everything within the sphere.

    Evidence indicates that there is a ‘Super Attractive Force’ located at this boundary. It is the cause of the galaxies accelerating outward, ‘falling’ toward this boundary of the universe. (Scientists have recently confirmed that the galaxies are accelerating!) This ‘Super Attractive Force’ is the fundamental source of all energy within the Universe. Working with Inertia, the ‘SPA’ is responsible for creating the mass/energy of matter and hence, the strength of gravity and all the other dynamic forces ( EME, strong and weak) that take place within this universal sphere.


    If we could journey beyond the boundary of the Universe in our imagination it would be extremely cold, far below absolute zero since there is absolutely no energy or matter in this region. Since the Law of Inertia does not exist there, a body of matter would have no mass. If a rocket was to accelerate, the astronauts would feel no sensation of inertia.

    They would have no way of knowing if they were moving or not moving. If they looked out the window they would see nothing. The stars and planets could not form since there would be no mass or gravity to hold them together. A light ray could not travel in this region because there are no laws to guide them. There would be no possible way to determine if this region ended just beyond our reach or extended out to infinity.


    Within the Universe there is nowhere we can go without being constantly bombarded by radiation and high energy particles or feel the effects of inertia, etc. We are always completely under the influence of the laws of Universal Space. While our most powerful telescopes reach more then 10 billion light years into space, the actual size of the Universe is much larger, perhaps a hundred billion light years.


    All galaxies seem to be rushing away from each other. This can be taken as evidence that there is another basic force (a fifth force) causing this to happen. Perhaps there is Super Attractive Force at the boundary of the Universe that causes all the galaxies to gradually accelerate outward, toward this outlying region of the universe. This causes the stars within the galaxies to continually gain more mass/energy as they rise to ever higher space energy levels, therefore generating increasingly stronger gravitational power (as the mass/energy increases).

    Just as a proton gains mass/energy as it accelerates in a cyclotron, so too does the matter of a galaxy as it accelerates toward the boundary of the universe. The proto stars are constantly acquiring new mass/energy as the galaxies accelerate toward this boundary. This ever increasing "G" power eventually causes fusion reactions to begin, enabling the stars to at first ignite into mature stars and afterwards slowly (over billions of years), to continue to emit ever greater radiation.

    The tremendous radiant energy emitted by the Quasars is an indication; that the matter of the galaxies has reached incredibly high mass/energy (space energy) levels. This in despite of the tremendous amount radiation that its stars have been emitting as their speed approaches Inertial Infinity (the speed of light).


    Bodies in space from the smallest to the largest, move relative only to other bodies. There is absolutely no motion between a body of matter and absolute space itself. It is as though each body is standing alone and still in space. This is the conclusion I reach from the results of the Michelson-Morley experiments. The experiments were a tremendous success even though Michelson never realized it himself.

    There was no need for the ad-hoc theory of Lorentz’s Contraction! All motion is relative. A planet or any other body does not travel through space like an airplane travels through the atmosphere displacing and passing by air molecules as it travels. When it comes to space itself there is nothing to pass by. When no other body of matter is taken into consideration, as far as absolute space is concerned the planet is completely alone and motionless. A body does not move unless it changes its position in some way relative to another reference point or body and when there are no other bodies or references to consider, its impossible to move relative to absolute space itself.

    Although matter moves about the universe relative to other matter, it can not move relative to space. Space itself (excluding all energy and matter) is a single entity from one end of the universe to the other. A body cannot pass from one part of space to another, space itself is all one. Move relative to what?? Space without considering its energy or matter is far from empty however, it is absolutely packed with all the laws of nature. Every square centimeter of space within the Universe is filled with all the laws in existence.

    In constrast to Ernst Mach’s theory, I feel, if an astronaut was traveling in a rocket ship that was completely alone in space, he would still feel the effects of inertia (and be subject to all the rest of the "laws of nature") in his ship. Conditions may vary wildly but the ‘laws of nature’ never deviate! No one has ever broken a law of nature!


    The only way for the Universe to expand would be to increase the extent of the laws of nature - beyond where they now exist. If the big bang did occur and the galaxies are rushing outward, they are only rushing outward within the confines of the universe, where the laws of nature prevail. They could not expand beyond where the laws prevail!

    If we could journey beyond the Universe, in our imagination (nothing could actually exist there), where there are no laws, it would be extremely cold, far below absolute zero since absolutely no energy or matter would be able to exist. Since the Law of Inertia does not exist there, a body of matter would have no mass. If a rocket was to accelerate, the astronauts would feel no sensation of weight or inertia.

    Even though the rocket was accelerating they would remain weightless! They would have no way of knowing if they were moving or not moving. If they looked out the window they would see nothing. The stars and planets could not form since there would be no mass or gravity to hold them together. A light ray could not travel in this region because there are no laws to guide them. There would be no possible way to determine if this region ended just beyond our reach or extended out to infinity. Space itself would not exist!


    I was excited to read an Associated Press release that cofirmed my ideas that galaxies are actually accelerating rather then coasting or slowing down in the universe. There is a mysterious antigravity force causing galaxies to accelerate. Scientists call this "dark energy". It came as a complete suprise to the astronomers of an international team, who were investigating this phenomena. It however, confirmed my ideas that the galaxies are simply falling toward the border of the universe powered by a ‘Super Attractive Force’ located there.

    As reported in the journal SCIENCE, (Feb. 27, 98 issue) astronomers found, that - galaxies are accelerating.

    This was completely unexpected since they thought they would find them coasting or slowing slightly. Dr. Riess of Berkeley said to the effect, there is nothing to account for this acceleration except Einstein’s "cosmological constant" (which Einstein himself, ultimately rejected).

    My explanation in the "The Falling Galaxies" chapter is different then Einstein’s repulsive antigravity force. I feel there is no need for a repulsive force (dark energy) at all, the galaxies are merely falling (accelerating) toward the border of a "Finite Universe", powered by a Super Attractive Force located at the boundary of the universe. There must be some sort of force causing this acceleration! There is no need for a Big Bang to start the Universe either. This Super Attractive Force is the overall prevailing mysterious 5th force (it is not gravity) that creates the four primary forces of nature, powers the universe, creates the mass of matter, etc..

    The physical laws of the universe (inertia, gravity, etc.) determine the extent of the universe, neither matter or energy can exist without these laws. Stars could not form nor radiate their tremendous power without these laws. Either the laws go on forever or at some distance they cease to exist, (the universe is either infinite or finite). I say the universe is finite, at some distancethe laws cease to exist. This is the boundary of the universe.

    The universe is shaped like a hollow sphere with all its physical laws, matter and energy contained within the sphere. Beyond the border of the sphere (the outer circumfirence of the sphere) the laws of the universe (inertia, gravity, etc.) no longer exert their influence to guide and govern, matter and energy. Beyond this border, the laws of the universe do not prevail, therefore no matter or energy can exist, nothing can exist. This is where the Super Attractive Force is! It is the force that powers the whole universe! The accelerating galaxies are an indication that this is so.


    As we have just seen - empty space within the universe is far from empty, even if it would be completely devoid of matter and energy, it is still crammed with all the "laws of nature". Bodies in space from the smallest to the largest, move relative only to other bodies and energy. There is absolutely no motion between a body of matter or a photon of energy and absolute space itself. No matter how fast a body is moving relative to other bodies it is absolutely motionless relative to space itself. All motion is relative and the motion of any body relative to absolute space is zero.

    Absolute Space is a universal entity that exists only as a result of the "laws of nature". A body cannot move from one part of space to another part, because absolute space is all one. It has no substance what so ever. When it is devoid of all matter and energy it is a perfect void - yet it contains all of nature’s laws.

    You might say that space is simply the laws of nature, since it is the laws of nature that create space and determine the extent of the universe. When no other body of matter is taken into consideration, as far as space is concerned a planet is completely alone and motionless.

    A body does not move unless it changes its position in some way relative to another body, it is impossible to move relative to space itself. Although matter and energy moves about the universe relative to other matter and energy, it does not move relative to space itself.


    Isaac Newton's first law of motion, the Law of Inertia states, “A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to continue in motion in a straight line except in so far as it is acted upon by a disturbing force.” (In motion relative to what?) Relative to other bodies? Yes! Relative to space itself? No! A body does not move relative to space itself, as the Michelson-Morley experiment seems to have indicated.

    I would like to add the following idea at this time. Inertia is a requirement of Universal Space. Universal Space is all space in the universe (absolute space). It is the ‘Law of Inertia’ itself that requires a force be exerted on a body, for it to accelerate. This is the INERTIAL REQUIREMENT OF SPACE. Inertia is a requirement of absolute space. A body does not resist a change in its motion nor does Inertia simultaneously release its hold on a body as a force is exerted. Inertia simply requires a force be exerted on a body for it to accelerate, relative to other bodies.


    Since a body does not move relative to space, the only thing it can do, when a force is exerted on it, is to rise to a higher - SPACE ENERGY LEVEL. This is manifested as an increase in the body’s inertial mass (mass/energy). The REST MASS of a proton is not a universal attribute. It varys with the SPACE ENERGY LEVEL of its galaxy. If the SPACE ENERGY LEVEL of the galaxy is low, its mass/energy level will be low. Its gravity power will also be low, in fact it is not possible for stars to form until the ‘space energy level’ (its mass/energy) reaches a certain critical level. Until the REST MASS of its matter reaches a critical level.

    Energy must be expended on the body for it rise to a higher energy level. Energy must be expended by the body for it fall to a lower energy level, the way it does this is, to radiate energy. (I am speaking here of very large velocities for measurable changes in a body’s mass/energy to occur. On a smaller scale, at ordinary levels, the laws of momentum prevail.)


    I mentioned earlier that one group of the primary universal laws are the Laws of Life. These are the laws of biology, evolution, etc. I cannot bring myself to believe that life on our little piece of space dust (Earth) is somehow unique in any manner. Its like believing that our planet is the center of the universe.

    Total nonsense! The Universal Laws of Life extend across the universe in every direction, filling it just as Inertia and all the other natural laws do also. Wherever a suitable planet is found, life establishes itself and begins the extremely long evolutionary process of diversification. In some cases a species such as, the modern humans, may (or may not)evolve that has the imaginative power to become aware of the wonders of the Universe. Imaginative beings have evolved on planets since the universe was very young and we, the “Homo Imaginative Sapiens” species are one of them.


    I feel our Universe is a finite dynamic entity that is perhaps a hundred billion light years across and perhaps a trillion years old. While some matter is constantly crashing into its border at tremendously high energy levels other matter is directed back toward the central portion of the Universe. Some of these are the cosmic rays we encounter. The matter that crashes into and is absorbed by the border is replaced in the central part of the Universe as new massless matter ready to begin its long journey outward toward the far off border (matter that is at a very low SPACE ENERGY LEVEL or REST MASS). The amount of matter and energy within the universe is constant.