© Donald Louis Hamilton
ISBN 09649265-1-2, Pub.1996, 210 pages, trade paperback.
Anthropologists tell us that for some mysterious reason around 100,000 years ago a little tribe of Homo Sapiens living in Africa began to evolve a very unique creative power. The human transformation had begun, mankind began to become creative. Over the eons this unique power has enabled mankind to create better tools and weapons and also to invent sophisticated words and languages. Eventually mankind was able to create the civilizations we know tody. The ability to communicate sophisticated ideas verbally to other humans enabled the "Mind of Mankind" to come into existence. Human beings actually have two separate minds. One is an individual's personal mind the second is the very powerful all encompassing collective "MIND" of mankind. The "MIND" of Mankind is the sum total of all the human minds that exist today and also the minds who contributed in the past to the knowledge and progress of Mankind. It is a worldwide network of human minds that have the power to innovate and communicate their ideas and concepts to one another across time and space. It gives mankind the ability to constantly improve and build upon the ideas of others. It is the secret of mankind’s amazing ability to progress over the ages. The super "MINDs" of the past such as; Kepler, Newton, Einstein, Copernicus, Galileo, the Greek philosophers, etc. and all the other superminds of the past and present continue to contribute to the knowledge and progress of mankind today. The "MIND" of mankind is a worldwide creative intelligence dimension that is curious about everything and relentlessly probes into the mysteries that surround it in every direction, creating new concepts and improving its technology, learning, discovering the secret worlds of nature, slowly progressing forward into the vast unknown. Where it will end - no one knows. As time passed these now "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" tribes, over thousands of years, slowly spread out over the planet evolving into separate races. They are however, still one species and can readily interbreed with each other. Today the "MIND" of Mankind operates as a single worldwide mental dimension made up of the descendants of the original African tribe. Its imaginative power had increased tremendously over the centuries. Twenty thousand years ago probably only a very small percentage of people had an IQ over 120. By the time of the Sumerians, Egyptian, Greek, etc. civilizations, the IQ of mankind's superminds (geniuses) had risen to the level of our present civilization. The question now is - will Mankind's imaginative power continue to increase or will it gradually diminish eventually ending the reign of Mankind?? PART 2. - Explores alternative new concepts in science and cosmology for the 21st Century.
Donald L. Hamilton ©
Affiliation - University of NY at Buffalo - Studied: philosophy, science, etc. Interests: fundamental laws of nature (gravity, mass, inertia, astronomy, cosmology), human mind, imagination, anthropology and much more).
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