![]() © 2000 Donald L. Hamilton
has produced a species with a powerful creative imagination. The "Homo Imaginative Sapiens"
Some evidence of Mankind's new imaginative power is painted on the walls of caves in France and in the beautiful tools and artifacts that can be dated to around this time. Human Imagination finally revealed some of nature's wonders to a biological life form on this tiny planet in the vast cosmos. Just think of it - through human imagination coupled with an insatiable curiosity mankind is beginning to understand the true nature of the Universe and where we stand in this vast cosmos. Human Imagination has given mankind the power to have greater control over its own destiny by inventing new medicines and technologies. Who knows how far this control can go in the future.
It is only in the past few centuries that the imaginative superminds have begun basing their stories (theories) on physical evidence (the scientific method) that they have gathered. This has given humans the insight to began to understand the true nature of the mysterious phenomena that governs the universe. Mankind has begun to come up with better explanations for the mysterious phenomena that they continually encounter in their lives. They no longer depend on gods and myths to explain this phenomena.
The new stories (scientific theories) have enabled humans to begin to understand the phenomena and create mathematical relationships that guides matter, energy and life within the universe. They now have many theories to guide them in their quest for the truth. They are slowly discovering the "true" physical laws and relationships of nature (gravity, inertia, chemistry, biology, etc.).
By creating the physical phenomena of nature - gravity, inertia, electromagnetic emission, chemistry, biology, etc. - the universe came into existence. This beautiful complex phenomena which we describe as the physical laws of nature, work in total synchronized harmony giving the universe its familiar characteristics. They are totally invariant, there is no possible way to break any law of nature, we can manipulate and use them but we cannot break them. Mankind is now beginning to discover and understand some of this complex phenomena.
Some of the “laws” are pretty well understood, some are yet to be discovered, and some are still mistakenly described. By utilizing the laws of optics, electromagnetism, chemistry, etc. the "superminds" of mankind (the people with strong creative imaginations) have invented thousands of wonderful machines, devices and processes that has enabled Mankind to continuously progress to ever higher levels of control over its own destiny.
We know Nature loves beautiful things because everything it creates is beautiful. Everywhere we look there are beautiful creations of nature. Mankind is an extension of nature’s creativity - it creates things that nature cannot. From the primitive tools and beautiful paintings at the beginning of its existence to the complex intricate technology of the present - mankind has continually created things that Nature by itself - could not. Mankind is an extension of Nature's creativity. Civilization itself - with all its laws and moral codes, is a creation of mankind - not of nature. Many of the laws and moral codes of civilizations do not follow the laws of nature at all but are necessary deviations for the good of mankind - although some are not. Religions are the laws of man - not God’s - they are there to help guide Mankind in a civilized manner (or to dominate people).
“Biological Life” is one of the major phenomena of nature that pervades the universe. Although mankind's brain has evolved to the cognitive level where it can imagine the possibility of its own creation - much of the universe's nature may forever remain mysterious and open for speculation. Sciencific investigation is restricted to the physical laws of the universe - beyond that human imagination is on its own. There may be other universes beyond our universe with completely different personalities - this is beyond the realm of science - but not beyond the realm Human Imagination.
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See also - The Super Minds of Mankind