Some of the major forks that profoundly effected my life for the better were: I
married my best friend, who became a wonderful wife and mother. Together along the way
we made some really nice people, four sons and a daughter. Presently we have six
grandchildren (so far) to carry our family into the future. This book is dedicated to these
people and the to rest of my family with much love.
Another fork I took was in becoming a professional firefighter. It was sometimes
very exciting work and it allowed me to work with and become associated with a really
fine group of people.
Over the years, as an avocation, I delved into the mysteries of science and life that
were of deep interest to me. This led to many new forks in the road which, through my
imagination, have been challenging and fun to explore.
This book is a report to you, the reader, of the ideas these roads have opened to me.
Most are far from presently accepted theories but are supported by observable phenomena,
looked at from a different angle. It has led me to many suprising conclusions that will be
up to you to accept or reject.
There is a radical new form of life now inhabiting our planet. In terms of evolutionary time it is very young. It is growing more massive each day its cells are multiplying at an alarming rate. It is slowly taking over all available space; dominating and devouring all other forms of life on Earth. Its waste is polluting the planet's environment. It "sees" with over six billion pairs of eyes. It has twelve billion hands to work and get into mischief with.
It is constantly probing into every possible aspect of the unknown searching to discover the secrets of nature. It's curiosity and talents are universally diverse, striking out in every possible direction; exploring, experimenting, inventing, building, theorizing, contriving, scheming, philosophizing, composing, writing, measuring everything conceivable. It's compulsive creative energy seems to be unstoppable. This radically different form of life that I am describing is the "MIND" of Mankind” and people are its cells.
Something strange and wondrous began to happen on our planet around a hundred thousand years ago. A new, powerful life form began to leave an indelible mark on our archaeological history. New tools and artifacts designed with aesthetic beauty began to appear. Later beautiful art was painted on cave walls and probably a lot of other places that did not survive the ages.
This is hard evidence that a radical new form of life was beginning to make its presence known on Earth. A revolutionary entirely new phenomena was taking place on this tiny insignificant planet. Human imagination was being introduced to life on Earth, a quantum leap in the evolution of life. A new chapter was opening in the Homo Sapiens story that would eventually evolve into our present civilizations.
The relationship between weight and gravity and inertia, plus much more.
Most of the concepts and hypotheses in this book may seem radical, most are not part of the Standard Model but they are all, as far as I am concerned, extremely possible. The alternative conclusions in this book however are based on observable evidence. I am comfortable with these ideas and philosophies. They explain to me, how we fit into the “big picture”, how we got here, and why we act the way we do. Why certain natural phenomena occurs and most important, to understand a little better, the existence of our Creator and the wonders he has created. Other people may accept or reject these ideas, it is up to them.
PART I Human Imagination - "OUR SPECIAL GIFT"

They used to say, "If God wanted us to fly he would have given us wings". Well, we now fly all over the place. Instead of giving us wings he gave us an Imagination!
Chapter 1
The Creation of Mankind
One autumn evening long ago, somewhere around seventy to one hundred thousand years, depending on the accuracy of our dating methods, a family of pre-imaginative Homo Sapiens or possibly Neanderthals (both were Humanoids) were sitting around their nesting area peacefully eating the roots and berries that the women had gathered during the day. Humanoids are the Neandertals and archaic Homo Sapiens who existed before mankind received its "Special Gift" (Human Imagination) before the "transformation" as opposed to the hominids, the earlier evolutionary forms of man.
Meat from a fresh kill was roasting in the fire which was kept going all the time, they had no idea, how to start a fire. It was just another typical evening such as these beings had lived since they broke away from their primate cousins several million years earlier. The use of fire by the hominids indicated a major step in animal intellect by itself, no other animal uses fire.
The fire was a welcome addition that gave these beings warmth and light in the darkness of the night. It also let them roast their meat and gave them protection from the other animals. It was a much better life since they had began to make use of fire. Fire had contributed greatly to their facial appearance by tenderizing the roasted meat they ate.
The tender meat did not require such a strong jaw and large teeth to chew it. This allowed these features, along with a higher forehead to accommodate the large brain, to evolve into our present face. The humanoids ability to use weapons such as a club, hand axe and possibly the stick spear for hunting and defense rather then depending on a strong jaw and teeth, also contributed greatly to their appearance. Not much else had happened over these millions of years.
Their bodies however, had slowly evolved, they now stood fully erect, their legs straight, their arms swinging freely at their side, able to carry their weapons or babies as they walked. The female body had changed into a beautiful smooth skinned, softly curved being with permanently swollen breasts (no other animal has this feature) and nicely rounded buttocks. The male body was similar but larger, more muscular and angular and of course no swollen breasts. They were a far cry from their ancestors, the great apes and earlier hominids.
They had lost their fur, what remained had evolved into hair. Their speech apparatus, (tongue, larynx and skull) had evolved so that they now could make many different vocal sounds. Some scientists say, the Neanderthal's speech apparatus had not evolved as well as modern humans. If this is true, it is assumed that they did not have the vocal capabilities of the modern humans.
Archaeological evidence has indicated that the humanoids can be divided into two basic groups, the Neanderthals, and pre-imaginative Homo Sapiens. Above all, both of these humanoid's brains had slowly evolved and grown in size over the years until they now weighed a whopping three pounds, pretty good for an animal of their size. It was a big relatively empty brain, like a powerful new computer that needed some powerful software to be installed.
Long ago both of these humanoids groups had learned to enjoy the benefits of a camp fire and to make simple utilitarian stone tools (flint stone cutting tools and stone hand axes) and possibly wooden stick spears but did not have the ability to improve them for thousands of centuries nor did they feel the need to. They could now hold their own against most of the other animals. Their ability to use fire and dried animal skins to cover their relatively naked bodies had been a great benefit to their quality of life and had enabled some of the families to move northward into the colder lands. They were still humanoids when the first Neandertal tribes wandered out of Africa.
The Neandertal tribes, over the millennia had wandered out of Africa into the Mid-East and Europe where the thrived for thousands of centuries. They had adapted well to their particular environments. Their population was fairly stable, perhaps less then a million humanoids , both Neandertals and the African pre-imaginative modern humans were living on earth at this time. The average lifespan of these people was probably around thirty five years?
There is no evidence that the pre-imaginative modern humans Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa before they had been transformed into the new "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" tribes. When the modern human tribes finally migrated out of Africa they were fully equipped with a powerful human imagination. They had lived in Africa for thousands of centuries after they became imaginative and had slowly developed verbal languages, invented tools and weapons, etc. The modern human tribes coming out of Africa were all the descendants of the children who had been part of the original transformation and had received their "Special Gift" of Human Imagination.
The Neandertal tribes who had not received this powerful imagination were no match for these imaginative predators when they met. One of the reasons that I think the modern humans began to migrate out of Africa was that they were running into too many other modern human tribes and both were equally matched and tough fighters whereas the Neanderthals had been no match for the modern humans and were wiped out and became extinct in Africa. Now there were greener pastures up north in Europe and Asia so that is where they headed.
Within 15,000 years the Neanderthals were also wiped out in these northern lands too. The reason for this was that the modern human men would raid the Neanderthal's encampments killing the men and capturing the women. They would bring these Neanderthal women back to their camps and make them their wives, mating with them. The trouble with this was their species had been separated for too long (around 500,000 years) and their Neanderthal wives could not bear children from these unions. This finally led to the demise of the Neanderthal species.
Before this final end came about for the Neanderthals both groups lived the good life for thousands of centuries. They hunted for food and protected their families while the mothers took care of their helpless babies. The Neanderthal humanoids had successfully survived for thousands of centuries under extremely harsh conditions and I am sure they could have survived and prospered for thousands more if it were not for the modern imaginative humans that they encountered later. The dominant males had their pick of the tribe's females, just as they do today in some societies. The females had evolved the curious sexuality of always being sexually receptive so I'm sure the males did not wander far. In those days it was a matter of survival to have the males stick around. The families all depended on each other to raise successful families.
The death rate of the mothers and infants was high due to the difficult births of their large brain infants. Longtime care was needed by the slow growing helpless babies. They could not hold on to their mothers like the chimp babies and took much longer to mature. The mothers had all they could do to provide care for just one baby. This kept the populations of both groups low. They probably had no idea that they could use the milk from the other animals to feed their young children. Only about ten thousand years ago when man had invented farming and began domesticating the animals, did they discover they had a rich new source of food.
Even in the present age, the women of a remote tribe in the South American jungles practice birth control by aborting the unwanted pregnancies using a massage technique and certain herbal plants, a method that has probably, been passed down for hundreds of years. If another baby was born too soon there may not have been enough food for the younger baby to survive.
The pre-imaginative modern humans were not aware of the beauty that surrounded them or the stars that decorated the night sky or how to improve their tools. They saw the brightly shining stars twinkling everywhere in the night sky and the moon sometimes lighting up the dark sky, sometimes not. They were not curious or concerned in any way about this beautiful phenomena.
They did not wonder about death or if the sun would come up tomorrow. They did not care whatsoever, it never occurred to them. They did not have the ability to perceive these thoughts. They never told stories over the camp fire. They may have invented some basic verbal warning sounds to associate with things and danger but did not have the imagination to invent abstract sentence structure. Basic communication was all they needed.
Both species the neanderthals and pre-imaginative modern humans were very intelligent animals, the smartest animals ever to roam the Earth. More intelligent then their cousins, the gorillas, chimps and orangutans. They had over a vast period of time developed some crude weapons to hunt with and protect themselves. They had also begun to use fire, something none of the other great apes had done. This in itself, was a giant step over the other animals. It is an indication that the evolution of life was gradually continuing its intellectual advance just as it had done since the beginning.
With their their crude weapons and skillful hunting ability both the European Neandertals and the African pre-imaginative modern humans were able to supply themselves with enough food for their survival, provided they were in a good area and their population did not increase too much. Their weapons and intelligence put them on
par with the big animals although they were much weaker and slower then these animals.
They protected their territory and their families from the encroachment of other pre-imaginative tribes an since they were on an equal intelligence level and was not much of a problem considering the small population and vast
territories that were available.
They were never above stealing someone else's females if they got the chance. They had fire for their comfort and protection. They could move where they wanted to in relative safety and comfort, even into the colder climates. They did not have a worry in the world, they didn't know how to worry. How much better could life get?
The Neandertals and pre-imaginative modern humans along with their cousins, the great apes were compatible with the environment, and could have survived and prospered for millions of years into the future, something I don't think modern humans will be able to accomplish. We'll be real lucky if we survive another two hundred years. We are our own worst enemy.
These beings who had slowly evolved over a period of more than three billion years from the single cell life forms that had first appeared on the planet to the complex animal species that inhabit the planet today. Evolution is one of nature's "main tools" it uses to diversify and improve life forms - along with many dead ends along the way. It is one of natures laws that pervades the entire Universe, just like Gravity, Inertia, etc. These single cell bacteria like life forms had turned the Earth from an inhospitable planet it began as with a poisonous atmosphere into the beautiful blue water planet it is today. It had taken these tireless little dynamos a couple of billion years to accomplish this huge task.
The Earth was spinning much faster in the beginning. At one time the day/night
cycle may only have been ten hours or less. It has been gradually slowing down over the
ages and will, like the moon or any other flywheel, eventually cease rotating entirely.
Each century that passes, the day/night cycle gets a little longer.
Since the Earth is not spinning one day/night cycle in exactly 24 hours. Every so many years our
master time keepers must add a leap second to their atomic clocks to keep them synchronized
with the earth's rotation. But this is not because the planet is slowing it is simply to keep it in sync. with the stars. The Earth looked very different in these early days. It may even have had a “Saturn” type ring around it. There is more about this in chapter 13.
The next evolutionary step happened about a billion years ago when the single cell animals had done their job well and took the next step. They had evolved from the bacteria into the more sophisticated amoeba type animals
but they where still single cell and were thus limited to just how far they could evolve.
The time had come for these little creatures to now join forces and evolve as
multicell plants and animals.
They could now specialize. The cells could now become a brain
cell or a muscle cell or whatever, just as people specialize today becoming farmers,
lawyers, doctors, etc. This was a big step in evolution, leading eventually to the
development of reptiles, mammals, etc. and finally the humanoids. It had taken over four billion years,
from the birth of the Earth, for life to evolve to this stage. This seems like a very long time
to us but in nature's time it is but a few moments. The time for the humanoid "transformation” was
Physically the Homo Sapiens’ brains had slowly evolved to a size where they
could now handle all the new mental activity and enormous memory requirements that
this new mental power would impose upon them. They had up until this time an extremely
limited imagination, although more than the other animals. They were able to use fire and
to develop some crude tools and weapons over a long period of time but that was as far as
they could go.
Somewhere around one hundred thousand years ago nature again decided it was time
to take another giant step in the evolution of life on Earth. The time had come to change
the pre-imaginative humans into an imaginative beings. The pre-imaginative modern humans' extremely limited imagination would evolve into the much more powerful "Human Imagination". It was a quantum leap to a much more powerful intellectual level. Nothing like this mental power had ever been seen on this planet before. This new tremendously powerful human imagination would reveal the wonders of universe to mankind.
No other animal on Earth had ever received a gift such as this. No other animal is
aware of the existence of the beauty and wonders that surrounds them.
Long ago nature along with the primates and the birds, the ability to see the
environment, clearly, in color. This new gift was much greater, it was a quantum leap for
life on Earth - even greater then the single cell to multicell evolutionary advance.
A small African tribe of archaic humanoid Homo Sapiens began to go through a major "transformation" to become an imaginative tribe with a powerful Human Imagination. Human Imagination is the ability to "see” with our mind. It is the ability to form mental pictures in our mind, the ability to create new technology, languages, philosophies, etc., the ability to discover the secret worlds and wonders of nature.
Human Imagination was a totally new dimension for life on Earth. This is the time when the the Homo Sapiens received their soul. It wasn't a new body - their soul was a new MIND equipped with a very powerful imagination that could imagine the existence of their creator and begin to discover some of nature's secret worlds and wonders.
The "transformation" was not an Earth shaking event, it took place very slowly. The children now born into this little tribe, possibly from one set of parents or mother began to become smarter and more imaginative then their parents. This had never happened before. The new imaginative children had been transformed into full fledged imaginative human beings. This was the time of the creation of the "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" species (modern humans). A quantum leap to a higher level of intellectual awareness. This new form of life would now have the potential to discover the wonders of nature that exists all around them. The transformation happened slowly over a long period of time.
I don't know if the brains of these new imaginative children were physically any different from their cousins in the tribe. It may have been that thousands of neural connections were created in the brains of the imaginative children. It wasn't much at first but the main thing was that the descendants of the imaginative children were very different from their cousins in the tribe. These imaginative descendants became more aware of
themselves and the magic that existed around them. They began to wonder, to be curious,
to imagine, to create new tools, trinkets, etc. (to form mental pictures and to be able to store these mental pictures in their memory).
An eagle may have much keener
eyes then ours but he cannot "see” the things that we can. It is convincing evidence of nature's special relationship with mankind.
The potential was created for an infinite number of additional neural
connections to be made as time passed. This was the "time of transformation". It was a time, not too long
ago, when mankind became aware of the beauty and the wonders that existed
around them.
Humans became curious about the mysterious phenomena that they encountered. Over the ages they
tried to explain these mysteries as best they could. Who made all these wonders? Where did
all this beauty come from? It was a revolutionary time for life on Earth.
It was as if nature had inserted a tremendously powerful and complex computer chip
into these childrens' mind. Suddenly, the intellectual potential of people was increased immensely. People now
had the capability to perceive the world in a whole new light. They awakened to a “see” a
new magic in their world.
Mankind had received a very powerful imagination, an imagination that would allow us
to visualize complex new concepts, see the world in an entirely new way. Mankind's ability to imagine the existence of its Creator is its very soul. Humans began to wonder how all these wonders came about. Who created these wonders, who created us. Human Imagination became a special link with its Creator. Without an imagination, the soul of man would not exist. It is "Our Special Gift".
Leonardo DeVinci said , "the eye is the window of the soul”. I say, the soul of man
is his imagination. It transformed our species into the “Homo Imaginative Sapiens”. It
was not so much a physical transformation, as it was a mental transformation. Although
the brain looked the same as before it was now a much more dynamic organ. The final
vital cells were created and connections in the cerebral cortex of the brain that had been
evolving for billions of years were completed.
New pathways were opened. The whole
brain flashed with tremendous new mental energy surging every which way across its
cells, creating lightning fast complex patterns that instantly conveyed mental pictures to
its host. It was as if a primitive crystal radio was suddenly transformed into a modern
high-definition television receiver. It opened up a new world to mankind.
This final evolution of our brain created the vast difference between the
humanoids and modern humans.
I am sorry to say that all the while these amazing events were taking place with this little African tribe nothing happened to the Neandertals. They just went on living the way they always did, enjoying life as they had done for thousands centuries before. They didn't have a worry in the world, at least for the next thousands of years, until they met these strange new people migrating out of Africa. Then life began to change for them and not for the better.
There was no evidence of this change in the bones or flesh of man. The physical
transformation had taken millions of years to evolve to its present state. Our physical body
though highly evolved and beautiful is really rather ordinary. It is the mental power, not
the physical change that separated mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom. It
happened quickly and not too long ago. (In evolutionary terms it was like yesterday).
It does not take much brain damage to lose these imaginative mental
powers. Lack of oxygen for a short period of time or any destruction of this vital area of
brain tissue can destroy this tremendous power.
This is the time when the "Homo Imaginative Sapiens" species came into existence in Africa. There are many names for this new species: modern humans, humankind, mankind, people, human beings, humans. It was much later when they migrated out of Africa and where the modern human remains were discovered in Europe and named Cro-Magnon man.
Mankind now had a powerful human imagination. The pre-imaginative human interbred with their cousins and became modern humans too. Those that did not faded out of the picture. After a time only imaginative modern humans existed. From this time onward all future generations of Homo Imaginative Sapiens would possess this Special Gift. From this time onward mankind slowly began to climb the ladder of progress. Inventing abstract words and languages. Unfortunately the Neandertals did not partake in the transformation and they remained the on the same intellectual level as before, they did not progress.
Imagination made humans very special in the order of things. It separated people
from the rest of the animal kingdom forever. People now had the ability to imagine
abstract thoughts. They could now perceive the beauty and magic of the environment that
surrounded them. They began to wonder: Who made me? How did I get here? What lies
beyond the horizon? They became very curious. What is this? What is that? How can I improve it? Why does this or
that occur? Etc., etc.. Modern humans are never satisfied.
Our imagination gives us the ability to instantly create mental pictures in our mind
of: ideas, associations, projections, abstract thoughts. We can mentally reflect on the past
or project into the future. It is like having another set of “eyes” to see with. The more
lucid we can envision these mental pictures, the more powerful is our imagination.
A chess master has the ability to mentally project the consequence of his chess
moves for many plays in advance. A storyteller can anticipate his story before he writes it.
A physicist can proceed through a mental maze, discarding and advancing subtle mental
speculations as he proceeds. A composer can envision the sounds of music in his mind
before he writes it down. (Beethoven was deaf when he wrote some of his most brilliant
music.) Chinese artists rather then paint from a scene they are viewing, paint by imagining
a scene they have stored in their memory.
In our everyday relations with other people we
usually project our thoughts mentally before we speak them. If we don't we are said to be
“talking without thinking”. These are just a few of the ways people use their imagination.
The chess master, although he is a genius in his particular talents, would probably not be
a great physicist and visa versa. The Mind of Mankind is made up of a tremendously
diverse collection of people with a myriad of different imaginative talents, slowly groping
their way through the maze of ignorance.
There are two types of imagination; our Learning Imagination and our Creative
Imagination. The Learning Imagination gives people the ability to learn and comprehend
things that have already been discovered or invented by other people. We learn and gain
experience by utilizing our Learning Imagination. For example, scholars and students
study the ideas and accomplishments of other people.
Children learn how to talk, read, and write, etc. by watching, listening and mimicking the people and things around them. Using their Learning Imagination to associate mental pictures and ideas with things they
experience through their senses. The Learning Imagination is our primary imagination,
every human being has it.
The Creative Imagination is our special imagination. Probably everyone has this
type of imagination also, but in most people it is very undeveloped or stifled. Creative
imagination gives people the ability to create new words and concepts, invent new things,
come up with new ideas, to innovate, and so to progress. Together, these two imaginations
bring forth Human Imagination, a very Special Gift from our Creator.
Life had finally evolved to the point where it was capable of being conscious of its
own existence and the existence of its Creator. As soon as the curtain had parted, ever so
slightly, revealing the bewildering wonder that lay beyond, mankind was separated forever
from all the other animals on earth. People now realized, there was a magic in this world
that they could not explain.
They became aware of the physical wonders that existed all
about them and the magic that puzzled their minds. They could discern this phenomena
even if they did not understand it. They spent the next forty thousand years trying to figure
out and explain this marvelous puzzlement.
Because of human imagination I know our Creator exists. Even though I cannot see
him with my physical eyes I can imagine he exists. I can perceive the beauty and splendor
of his creations that are everywhere I look. I can see the perfect order of the periodic
table of elements, the intertwining of his all powerful natural physical laws that create and govern everything
within the universe. The physical laws of nature are the true "Word of God". Religions are the word of men.
Something must have created this exceedingly complex dynamic
entity! I know God exists because he has chosen to reveal himself to mankind by giving me
and everyone else the awesome power of an imagination.
Having an imagination changed everything for man. People now had problems,
they began to wonder about their surroundings, about the night sky, with all its tiny lights
shining down on them, about the sun and the moon. What were these things? Why did
they suddenly have a desire to possess the beauty that surrounded them? They invented many gods, angels, faeries, devils, etc.
How could they capture it? How could they become a part of this beauty? No longer could they enjoy the
complacent ignorance of the “good old humanoid days” when nothing really bothered
them. Before they received their Special Gift they did not have the mental power to even
be aware of these things. As long as they had their belly full of food, a good mate for their
sexual pleasure and a fire to keep them warm, what more could they possibly desire?
After the transformation, they suddenly felt "human uneasiness", it was a new and
puzzling feeling. They began to speculate on what lies ahead of them. They began to
wonder and ponder. They began to worry.
They became curious and began taking an interest in the mysterious
phenomena that they encountered everywhere. They began to invent new vocal sounds
that they could associate with certain specific things and actions that they came into
contact with each day. They became verbal and couldn't stop creating new words, everything they came in
contact with demanded to be associated with new verbal vocal sounds.
It was like their minds now demanded more and more communication with other people. (People in every tribe
of the world are always jabbering when they are together.) As the number and complexity
of their vocal sounds increased they were able to convey ever more complex abstract ideas
to each other. They created sentence structure. This caused their imagining power to
increase dramatically. This new vocal communication greatly helped open up the wonders
of the world to these people.
What an incredibly, powerful new mental tool this imagination is!!
With the power of imagination mankind began to progress away from its
pre-imaginative past. At first there was an initial surge in the creation of new words and
language development. This creativity gradually slowed as most ordinary everyday things
and actions were named. The people in the tribe could now adequately communicate with
each other. Only when they would find something new and more sophisticated to describe
would they have to invent a new word. It may have taken a thousand years after the
transformation to establish sophisticated tribal languages, maybe a lot less then this.
Every tribe progressed at a different rate, depending on the experiences and challenges
they encountered. It continues today. The amount of words that is at a society's disposal is
a good indication of the level of sophistication and complexity that society has achieved.
In the beginning, progress was slow, people took many wrong turns along the way
(just as we are still doing today) but it was progress never the less.
The "MIND" of mankind came into being! People could now communicate verbally with each other.
They could anticipate (imagine) things and events in their mind before they
happened, they could “look” down different imaginary paths, they could visualize
improvements in their weapons and create new more artistic weapons and build upon one anothers' ideas.
They were never quite satisfied with the way things where, they always wanted to improve or change
things. This is how the "MIND" of mankind works, its always improving things and ideas. The Wright Brothers invented the airplane but the "MIND" of mankind improved it until now we have every type of the modern airplane you can think of and the improvements continue. This action accounts for nearly every successful invention, they are continually improved by people from all over the world - This is the "MIND" of mankind at work.
Mankind was forever
separated from his cousins, the primates and his distant cousins the lions, tigers and other
animals who inhabited the lands with him. Mankind's ability to imagine and progress step
by step into the future sets it apart from all the other animals. Other animals may be
stronger, run faster or jump higher, but they do not have the ability to imagine as we do.
Before the transformation the humanoids had cared about their family members.
If a family member was injured they sometimes provided food and shelter for them. When
one of them died they buried them. After they received their Special Gift, modern humans family
relationships took on a much deeper meaning. They wondered about death, it worried
them. They wondered were they went when they died. They could now fantasize about life
after death. They invented Heaven and Hell.
They wondered if they could take some of their new found worldly beauty
with them. Thousands of years after the transformation a storyteller in ancient Egypt or
Sumer came up with the idea that mankind was immortal, he had a soul that would live on
after death. This is a very powerful idea that has come down through the ages. It inspired
their kings to begin building their burial tombs, pyramids etc., thinking maybe they could
take some of their worldly possessions with them into the afterlife. It also inspired our
western religions.
Another ancient storyteller came up with the idea of reincarnation,
another powerful idea that has been a strong influence on mankind through the ages.
People now worried about many things. Things that never occurred to them before
now began to bother them. They began to fight sickness and death. When one of their
loved ones became sick or injured they began to treat them with magical potions and
Medicine men came into being. Plants and herbs, etc. were used as medicine.
Even at the present time there are teams of scientists searching everywhere on the planet
for new plants that could help cure various diseases.
Today in this country alone we spend billions of dollars fighting sickness and
death (we call it health care). The government has just announced that the cost of health
care in this country would go over a trillion dollars next year.
It has grown into a tremendous business. We spend billions of dollars just inventing new health care
machines, researching and inventing new medicines. We can even transplant various
organs from one person to another.
We are presently trying to develop artificial organs. On the cutting edge of our
imagination, scientists are now attempting, through genetic engineering, to have pigs
grow human organs such as a liver, that could be transferred to a person in need of one.
All this to extend our life a few extra years, but then, life is very precious to us humans.
Scientists are even on the verge of altering a person's genes to prevent them from passing
on their “bad” genes on to their children.
Someday we may be able to rejuvenate our cells or transfer our complete
personality to a clone of ourselves and live forever. When one body wears out, simply
transfer our total imagination, memory, traits and talents (our personality and soul) to a
new body. Until this happens we had better take very good care of our present body, its
our only ticket to life.
We should call ourselves, “the worrying animal”. Humans worry about everything we
can imagine. In the days when our ancestors were still humanoids, death never bothered
them. Although they may have felt sadness over the loss of a family member just as some
other animals mourn the loss of one of their group, they never thought about it
They did not have the imaginative capability to worry about it, if they got sick
or were injured they either got better or they died, just as the other animals still do today.
Peoples' appearance did not change one bit with the transformation. Their brain
was physically, nearly the same as before (except for the new neural connections or
whatever it was that took place at the transformation). One moment they were just very
smart animals and the next, after they received their "Special Gift", mankind had
Creative Imagination was released on to the world and the world would never
be the same. It was the beginning of an entirely new form of life on Earth.
These new beings would eventually effect everything on Earth and will
undoubtedly in the future, effect other worlds also. One of the first things these beings did
after the transformation, was to announce their presence on Earth by stenciling the
imprint of their hands on the walls of the caves. It says to the effect, "Hey! look
everybody, we have arrived".
At both North and South poles and on top of the Earth's
great mountain peaks all around our planet, little flags are set, announcing that mankind
has been there. On July 20, 1969 AD mankind announced its arrival on the moon by
impressing its footprints onto its surface and setting a flag for everyone to see. “Hey!
Look everybody, we have arrived.” It was another great achievement for the MIND of
Mankind, a cumulative effort by thousands of people over hundreds of years that made
this project possible.
Two wizards named Galileo and Newton got things started.
After the transformation, years and then centuries passed, man continued to use
his imagination, gradually inventing new words for all the things, actions and ideas he
encountered. (We are still inventing new words at a very fast rate. Just take the
“cyberworld” as an example.)
The stars at night were now imagined to be outline figures
of animals and men. The sky became a giant bowl that covered the Earth. The tools that
had served the humanoids so well, they had not changed much in hundreds of thousands
of years, began to be improved and decorated. New tools were invented. A handle was
finally attached to the hand axe, a tool that had remained essentially the same for
thousands of centuries.
About thirteen thousand years ago man invented the bow and
arrow, after that came the wheel/axle, after that came the plow, after that came writing,
etc., etc. The progress continues today.
The Mind of Mankind - is a powerful worldwide mental "MIND" came into existence from the creative imagination of mankind - its power to innovate and communicate its ideas and concepts to others is the secret of mankind’s amazing ability to progress over the ages.
Human imagination is the remarkable mental power that gives people the mental power to invent words and languages by associating sounds (languages) or marks on a paper, etc. with things and abstract ideas and to communicate these ideas with other people. The "MIND" of mankind is the sum total of all the human minds that exist today and also the minds who contributed in the past, to the knowledge and progress of mankind.
The "MIND" of mankind gives people the power to build upon the ideas of other people. This is the secret of mankind's ability to progress. The "MIND" operates as a single worldwide mental life form that relentlessly probes into the mysteries that surround it in every direction, creating, learning, discovering the secrets of nature, slowly progressing forward into the vast unknown. It’s long time goal is to have control over its own destiny! It has already made much progress in this area.)
The Mind of Mankind is an extremely diverse reality, the talents and intellectual
capabilities of its people range across a wide spectrum. All of its people have a relatively
equal amount of potential imagination when they are born, within fairly narrow
parameters. They all have their Special Gift. The actual level they develop varies from
person to person, culture to culture.
It depends, to a great extent, on the person’s stimulative environment
they encounter throughout their lifetime, especially in their early years and the intellectual
sophistication of its immediate family group and the society that it is reared in. A baby
born at the present time has exactly the same amount of intellectual potential as a baby
born right after the transformation. They both received their Special Gift. The only
difference is the level of sophistication the society, in which it lives, has achieved.
Just for fun, imagine a group of babies lying in an imaginary hospital nursery.
They all have their brand new empty minds just waiting to soak up a lifetime of
experiences. Their respective parents come to pick them up and take them home. The first
parents live in an age just after the transformation took place. They have not yet invented
many sophisticated words and still live in a cave. Their society has not progressed very
much and is extremely primitive.
Just imagine the life this child will live compared to one
that is taken by its parents, who live in the time of the classical age of Greece. Their
society has progressed immensely by this time and has a much more sophisticated level of
language and experiences to give to this child. Finally, a child going out in our modern
world today is going into a highly sophisticated world of technology, turmoil and social
A modern child is bombarded with all sorts of stories that will do their best to
try to influence it one way or the other. It must be able to accept or reject these influences.
It is most imperative, very early on, the child’s family instill a set of basic positive values
that will guide the child through this quagmire of stories and experiences throughout his
Whatever challenges it faces, each child that leaves the nursery with its parents,
is going out into a world that will shape its lifetime of experience. The child will adapt to its surroundings, learn the language and customs of its tribe, the values of its family and
hopefully become a positive member of that particular its culture.
From the time of the transformation all human babies have possessed an
imagination as their Special Gift from God. In addition each has inherited its own
individual personality, traits and talents, both good and bad, from the genes of its parents.
The intellectual level it achieves will be determined partly by the stimulation (both
positive and negative) it receives from its immediate family group and the society in
which it lives and partly from the traits and talents it has inherited from its parents.
As soon as they are taken from the nursery and go out into the world, their life begins to be
influenced by their interaction with their family and society, for the better or for the
worse. They could become a member of a street gang or a Harvard scholar it all depends
upon the circumstances they encounter.
The amount of stimulation a person's Learning and Creative Imagination receives
and absorbs, help determine the intellectual level the person will attain. Each person is
born with certain individual mental and physical traits. The potential talents and
personality can be developed to the level of the society in which it lives. Some people
have to work harder to attain a clear comprehension in their mind of their learning
imagination associations and then store these associations in their memories, to some it is
These are the slow and fast learners. Some people have fast dynamic minds, their
consciousness is right at the surface, they are extremely aware of everything that is going
on around them. Some have deep slow minds, they are down somewhere imagining
abstract thoughts, they surface only when someone or something gets their attention.
There are all stages in between these two extremes.
After the transformation, people had a great desire to possess the beauty that they
could now perceive. It was everywhere! A prime innate human trait is its perception and
deep love of beauty. It is an essential part of our imagination. People were now able to
perceive and enjoy the beauty of the wild flowers that bloomed in the warm season and
the animals and birds they hunted. The spectacular panorama of the brilliant night sky.
They had a great desire to possess anything they perceived to be beautiful whether it be a
colorful stone or animal skin or whatever.
The talented people enjoyed carving small
figures of people and animals that they could hold and enjoy. Another way to enjoy this
beauty was to paint a likeness of the perceived beauty. They did this by painting pictures
of animals on the walls of caves. (They probably also painted pictures on animal skins and
decorated their bodies with paint and tattoos.)
Artifacts of primitive jewelry and
cosmetics have been found at their campsites. They began to decorate and improve their
tools. This inherent love of beauty and the desire to possess beautiful things was a major
factor in the initiation and the continual development of the "MIND" of Mankind.
It is not limited to our sense of sight. Scientists enjoy the beauty they "see" in the intricate
mathematical relationships and physical phenomena they encounter in their endeavors.
We can also enjoy listening to beautiful music, tasting delicious foods, smelling beautiful
aromas and feeling beautiful things.
The perception of beauty opened up an entirely new dimension for mankind to enjoy life
to its fullest.
It is a vital part of
"Our Special Gift".
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