"TIME - There Are No Perfect Clocks"

Time Does Not Slown Down Only the Atomic Clocks Change!

There is no such thing as "Time Dilation".

© Donald Louis Hamilton

Time does not slow down as a rocket accelerates in space. Relative to other bodies the rocket is accelerating but relative to absolute space the rocket is not moving. The atomic clock's relativistic mass is rising, therefore its time keeping also changes slightly. This is because it is the mass of the atoms that determine the time keeping of the atomic clocks. When the relativistic mass of the atomic clock changes its timekeeping will also change. Atomic clock's can be super accurate when they are at the same "rest mass" level but if they move to another energy level relative to space (such as the GPS satellites) their relativistic mass (and timekeeping) will be different.

There are no perfect clocks! This was discovered by the GPS time keepers. They discovered that the atomic clocks in the GPS satellite's atomic clocks ran at a slightly different rate then the ground clocks. This slight change in the frequency of the GPS satellite's atomic clock cause it to get out of synchronization with the atomic clocks on the ground. Therefore the clocks must be constantly adjusted to keep the government's GPS system synchronized.

Although matter moves about the universe relative to other matter, it does not move relative to absolute space. This is the conclusion I reach from the result of the Michelson, Morley experiments. Absolute Space is a single entity from one end of the universe to the other. A body cannot pass from one part of space to another - absolute (universal) space itself is all one. Move relative to what?? Nothing moves relative to Absolute Space. Absolute Space is the fundamental dimension of the universe and is synonymous with the Laws of Nature. The universe cannot exist beyond the Laws of Nature.

  • "Space energy level" is the energy level of a body - relative to absolute space only, with the speed of light being the ultimate high energy level. The "space energy level" of the body is manifested as its relativistic inertial mass. A body at a high "space energy level" (for example - equivalent to 3/4 the speed of light) would have more inertial mass then the same body at a lower "space energy level" (at 1/4 the speed of light). Conditions may vary in the universe but the laws of nature that guide and control matter and energy are universal and invariant - they never deviate!

    The Two Energies of Matter

    Inertial Mass - The Space Energy Level of Matter

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